Questions to Ask When You're Diagnosed With Breast Cancer


Hearing the words "you have breast cancer" can be an overwhelming and terrifying experience. In that life-altering moment, it can be difficult to think clearly. But the more information you can gather in the days …

Hearing the words "you have breast cancer" can be an overwhelming and terrifying experience. In that life-altering moment, it can be difficult to think clearly. But the more information you can gather in the days and weeks of following your diagnosis, the better you'll be able to deal with.

"That first consultation [after a breast cancer diagnosis] "Dr. J. Jaime Alberty," says Dr. J. Jaime Alberty, a breast surgical oncologist at the Dubin Breast Center at Mount Sinai Hospital and assistant professor of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. "You give them a lot of information, they sometimes do not remember other things they want to ask,"

In addition to bringing a friend or a friend with you, you should also brainstorm ahead of time and bring your questions to the table. Dr. John P. Williams, a breast surgeon and medical director of the Novant Health UVA Breast Center in Haymarket, Virginia, says asking the right questions starts a necessary "conversation with your treating physicians, which leads to shared decision-making where you" re part of the team. "

Modern medicine has moved away from the model where the doctor simply tells patients what to do. Today, patient preference is an important part of the equation. The best way to make sure you're able to participate in your decision-making process. Remember, not all breast cancers are created equal, and determining the best treatment approach will depend largely on the characteristics of your specific case.

[See: 10 Innovations in Cancer Therapy.]

Williams says patients who have more information are more likely to be affected by the outcome of their treatment. To help patients gain an understanding of their diagnosis and what questions they should ask their physicians, Williams has created a free, video-based Breast Cancer School for Patients that explains the basics of breast cancer for patients. His site also provides a list of issues that patients can not afford to consider. Williams notes that doctors are human, too, and can not help it.

The questions you ask your doctor can address any questions you may have.

1. Can you tell me about my specific cancer?

Breast cancer is not a single disease – there are a few different types and lots of variations, and it can also be diagnosed at different stages. Determining exactly which type of cancer is the best approach. Do you have positive hormone-receptor breast cancer – the most common type, which tends to grow more slowly? Do you have a more aggressive HER2-positive or triple negative breast cancer? Is the cancer confined to a small area of ​​the breast, or does it spread to nearby lymph nodes or distant parts of the body? How big is the tumor and what other features can a specific treatment protocol, such as a lumpectomy versus a mastectomy?

2. What are my treatment options?

Most patients now have some options. Patient preference is a factor in many cancer care decisions, and your doctor should be considered when developing a treatment protocol. Having the right to express a preference and having options can be empowering, but it can also be confusing for some patients, particularly if you have no background in cancer care. In any case, you should be sure to find out which options are available to you. Do you need a mastectomy, or will a lumpectomy work just as well? Which type of chemotherapy do you need, and what is your only option, or can you have a different side effects? Will you need radiation, and in which order will these various components be delivered?

3. Do I really need chemotherapy?

The recent TAILORx trial showed that many women with early stage breast cancer can meet their expectations. This is not an option open to all women, so Williams says it's important to ask for you to qualify for Oncotype DX testing, a form of genomic testing that analyzes a sample of the tumor and assigns it to a score that is likely to be cancer recur. The TAILORx trial found that patients with a score of 25 or less (out of 100) can skip chemotherapy.

4. Can I get a copy of my pathology report?

When your tumor is biopsied, the pathologist will create a report that includes information about your cancer. It's important for you to receive a copy of this document. If anything is unclear. You should also bring this report to your doctor. If you're looking for a second opinion, this information will be critical to that doctor's assessment.

"The thing that I recommend the most to patients is to seek out second opinions," Alberty says. "One of the good things about breast cancer is one of the two types of treatment – the kind of surgery, which is one of the best methods of radiation therapy. It's important to know what they would do, "he says. The second opinion, the best you'll be able to assess your case.

[See: Breast Pain? Stop Worrying About Breast Cancer.]

5. What should I expect from treatment and how will cancer change my life?

Every type of treatment for cancer has side effects. Even if you're able to safely skip chemotherapy, interventions such as radiation and surgery will change some aspects of your life, from body image to chronic pain and fatigue. Ask your doctor what you can expect. Will you lose your hair? What are your chances of developing neuropathy, a chronic, painful and potentially debilitating condition that causes patients to lose function and feel in the hands and feet? How are you developing cognitive issues related to chemotherapy or hormone therapies? All of these potential side effects and many more can have a big impact on your quality of life. Your decision can be made to help you decide whether or not to make a decision.

6. Which other doctors or health care professionals should I see, and do you participate in an accredited breast center?

Williams says working with an oncologist or surgeon who is based on an accredited breast center is important, because doctors based at such multidisciplinary centers, "are talking and texting with each other and working together. That can make you feel like they're wrapped up around you. That's the definition of quality care – a multidisciplinary approach where everybody can learn from each other, "he says. If your doctor does not participate in an accredited breast center, "that's a red flag that they do not embrace exchange of ideas." The American College of Accredited Surgeons Breasts Centers "that are committed to providing the best possible care to patients with diseases of the breast, through its National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers. Look for the intials NAPBC.

Alberty agrees that consulting the right specialists and getting other opinions can help you develop an appropriate treatment plan. "It's not cut and dry. There are some areas of breast cancer in the heart of the world, where we work in a multidisciplinary fashion. "This means the oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, geneticists and other care team members decide what the best course of action is. together with the patient.

In addition, you may qualify for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutation. These mutations can be estimated to be more than 70% of women who have a BRCA1 mutation and 69 percent of BRCA2 mutations will develop breast cancer by age 80. If you're found to have one of these mutations, that may alter your plan of attack – some women opt for a prophylactic double mastectomy to reduce risk, then others opt for treatment only the cancer that has been diagnosed and undergoes more frequent screening for future cancers. If you're a candidate for genetic testing, you're in the right place. A genetic counselor can help you figure out if you have a role in your cancer.

[See: What Not to Say to a Breast Cancer Patient.]

Many patients also seek help from physical therapists during treatment, especially after surgery to reduce the risk of developing lymph nodes and reduce the risk of developing lymph nodes (Lymph nodes have been removed) and cording ( a condition called axillary web syndrome which creates "cords" of knotty, fibrous tissue in the arm and sometimes the hand is performed of lymph nodes). It's never too soon to start looking for the right provider, so ask your doctor for recommendations and suggestions.

You may also want to seek help from a mental health care provider, a support group, a dietitian and other health care providers who can support other aspects of your treatment. Williams says it takes a village to see patients through the difficulty of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. If you're diagnosed with breast cancer, it's so important to create a team of breast specialists to help you learn more about your breast cancer. Inevitably, the treatment journey will last 3 to 12 months or more. It's a marathon, and you can not do it alone, "But he says when you're educated about what you're dealing with, that puts you in the driver's seat. best outcomes. "

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Questions to Ask When You're Diagnosed With Breast Cancer originally appeared on

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