Rachel Dolezal, white woman and former president of the NAACP of Washington State infamous for claiming to be black and also accused of social fraud, said in jail Monday for a procedural photo and fingerprints, according to KREM television channel.

Dolezal, who changed his name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, could face 15 years in prison for illegally receiving thousands of dollars in public aid. She is charged with first degree theft by social fraud, false verification and second degree perjury. She pleaded not guilty.

On the judge's orders, she went to Spokane County Jail to make a reservation and was released.

An investigator began to examine Dolezal after writing a book and making public statements that she was receiving public assistance, according to court documents

For more information: Rachel Dolezal, former leader of the NAACP who posed as a black woman, accused of social fraud

To find out more: Rachel Dolezal: I was & # 39; too black & # 39; for my husband

For more information: The Rachel Divide & # 39; from Netflix is ​​complicated to watch the 'transracial' activist Rachel Dolezal

Between August 1, 2015 and November 30, 2017 she received public assistance when she was not entitled to it, according to the court documents. Court documents claim that she illegally received more than $ 8,747 in food aid and $ 100 in childcare aid.

His Book, In Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World Income was less than $ 500. An investigation revealed that Dolezal had deposited approximately $ 83,924 into her bank account in several monthly installments between August 2015 and September 2017. She did not report this money to the Department of Health and Social Services. Washington State.

His trial is scheduled for 10 September.

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