Racist political announcement in favor of French Hill on Arkansas Radio


We are fully in the political season for the mid-term elections of 2018, and the political announcements in which the candidates criticize themselves, boast about their achievements and say that everything that would help them to get votes is in full swing.

The black vote is particularly worrying in this election. We have already seen evidence of disenfranchisement of voters in many districts as Republicans tried to slow down their eviction. If blacks still succeed in voting, we will consider this a miracle.

Some Republicans, however, take a different approach. Take, for example, a radio ad broadcast in Arkansas in support of former US Congressman French Hill.

Advertising is extremely racist in its content, tone and message. He introduces the voices of two black women who look like Diamond and Silk – the black sock puppet that Trump fans invented to make us believe that black people really like Trump.

The voices are problematic, but not because they sound resolutely Southern or even sophisticated, is that, while speaking, I imagine them dressed in tattered clothes with panama hats, dancing taps in front of an audience of whites laughing and mocking.

That's how bad it is.


Advertising begins with the first woman who asks, "What do you think of what is happening in Washington?"

"Our Congressman, French Hill, and the Republicans know that it's dangerous to turn the presumption of innocence into a presumption of guilt, especially for black men," replied the second woman. "If the Democrats can do that to a white justice of the Supreme Court without any evidence, no corroboration, and all his witnesses – including his best friend – say that it did not happen? What would happen to our husbands, fathers or sons when a white girl lies on them?

"White Democrats would be black Lynchin again," said the first woman.

Let's pause here for a minute. Notice the language and images used right out of the portal. It's an attempt to appeal to the fear of racial terrorism that blacks naturally have. Too bad we were already living under this threat in real time. It's not very far "maybe it could happen". In fact, it happens every day, big or small.

In addition to the extrajudicial firing of black people by the police, we now have the added stress of a militarized and unbalanced police force armed with whites who have found ways to use them as their own personal concierge service each time. that a black person appears in a space where the white person feels not to belong.

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The announcement continues:

"Honey, I always said to my son," Do not be angry with that! If you are caught, she will to cry the rape, "said the second woman.

"I vote to keep Frenchman Hill, Congressman, and the Republicans, because we have to protect our men and boys. We can not afford to let white Democrats take us back to the old days of race verdicts, life sentences and lynchings when a white girl cries rape. "

I have an announcement to make.

Whites will not save you, no matter how many times you vote for them.

This is not a slight one. it's a fact. As a people, we have been sold by the political systems of this nation since the beginning of time. Why should it be different now?

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This whole thing is stupid.

Women clearly read a piece of paper – and not very good at that. This does not seem natural at all and it is insulting to every black person targeted.

Although the ad focuses on Brett Kavanaugh's situation, it allows us to remember all these things – racist verdicts, life sentences for crimes that have not been committed, and so on. – are still in progress. They never left. If anything, they gain more momentum in the era of the Donald Trump presidency. So who is supposed to be fooled by that?

At the end of the advertisement, we are told that it was paid by Black Americans for the President's agenda and was not cleared by any candidate or candidate committee.

I had to do some research on this organization because I did not think it was real. It turns out that's the case, and they have an entire website to which I will not link, but if you search for the name, it will appear entirely to you.

On Thursday, the website contained pictures of many blacks, including Stacey Dash, Candace Owens, etc., who would support him. The head of the organization would have been the delegate from West Virginia, Jill Upson, who was named National President.

From Friday, the page has been changed. The big graphic showing the faces of all Blacks supporting the cause has been removed – we may suspect it because some of these people, including Latrell Sprewell, would probably not like to be associated with it. Organization without their permission.

Any mention of Jill Upson has been removed, and the page about now lists former congressional candidate Vernon Robinson as co-founder and treasurer.

It is also interesting to mention that French Hill itself came to condemn the advertisement.

In a statement sent to CBS News, Hill said, "I condemn this scandalous announcement with the utmost firmness. There is no place in Arkansas for this nonsense. "

You must be wondering what kind of black person would be comfortable putting this on the back to serve their own people.

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