Radio segment of concern for people with celiac disease


ST. LOUIS – People with celiac disease were irritated during a morning radio show.

Dana Smith said that she was listening to Z1077 on the radio when the show moved to a segment called "Dirty Little Secret." An auditor called to say that she was working in a bakery and lied to customers telling them that there was no gluten in the oven. goods when there really was.

"I was furious, I was furious," Smith said.

Smith can not eat gluten because she suffers from celiac disease, which causes horrible intestinal and skin problems. What made even more edgy Smith, is that the appellant joked about people who ignore gluten.

"It's absolutely dangerous, someone could get very sick," she said.

The doctors said it was essential that patients stay gluten free.

"So, it's not like diabetes where you can reduce your sugar intake and catch up with you later, so you need to be 100% compliant if you can," said Dr. Reuben Aymerich, SSM St. Clare Hospital.

Smith went on the Web to alert the community of celiac disease in St. Louis. She stated that people who do not eat gluten are often the target of jokes and insults. Instead of taking the radio to task, she took advantage of the incident to teach everyone.

"I just want ignorant people … of the disease to be sensitized," she said.

At the Gluten Free at Last bakery in Maryville, Illinois, the owner, Mary Michals, is diagnosed with celiac disease. She said that it was time for people to become more respectful.

"I would not make fun of you if you had diabetes or heart disease, it's a bit like that," said Michals.

We may never know if the caller's story of the radio station was true. The morning team of the Z1077 posted a comment later in the day, claiming that she had no intention of shocking anyone, that she was taking the disease seriously. One host said his mother had celiac disease.

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