Raging Canadian crabs are waging war in the United States and scientists are powerless to stop them – BGR


Canada and the United States generally hear very well and it is probably because Canadians are so kind. They apologize for everything, they do not worry about the weird weather, and they are always attentive to each other. Unfortunately, the same can not be said of Canadian crabs, which are among the most aggressively absurd marine creatures, and are now moving south.

As the Boston Globe According to reports, Canada's green crabs are beginning to invade the United States and they are fighting with anyone who approaches. They are unpleasant, rude, and may even repel native species that were doing well alone.

Crabs are actually the same species that are found further south along the Maine coast, but for some reason they are much more aggressive. Rather than simply living their life in seagrasses and eating when they are hungry, Canadian crabs take an approach to scorched earth by cutting down vegetation with their claws and killing small marine creatures that hinder them.

These angry organisms have been found along Maine, but it seems they grow further south than before. In a new survey of crab populations in Maine, wicked Canadians were sighted at a rate of about one in 50 green crabs. A study of the local marine ecosystem and its impact on crabs is in preparation for publication.

As Louis Logan, a researcher at the University of New England, explains, we could be powerless to stop them. "It will be a totally different ball game," Logan told reporters. Boston Globe. "It's just a question of when more crabs compete with Maine's green crabs. We can not do anything about it. The only thing we can do is learn how to live with it.

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