Raiders report: notes for the attack, the defense in loss ugly at 49ers


SANTA CLARA – The recency bias prevents us from saying with absolute certainty that it is the lowest moment in the history of the Oakland Raiders. I mean, they've already tried to score a 76-yard goal because a coach hated his boss.

But Thursday night's 34-3 loss against Nick Mullens … oh, and several other San Francisco 49ers, to be honest … is certainly in the multiple-choice question. Describing their collective performance, their general body language and their relationship with their rancid coach is tantamount to harming their rancidity.

It is not entirely fair to discredit the second victory of the 49ers season by claiming that it is against the Raiders team. Mullens was early and impressive in his NFL debut, striker George Kittle was one of the best catches of the season, the defense could improve slowly and terrorize Derek Carr throughout the evening. The 49ers embarrassed all their smart money Las Vegas.

But the Raiders? They took a dead season and re-killed him. They shot the last eight games of the season and made them embarrassed in advance. They have tarnished every suggestion of platitude, cliché, and silver vein that Jon Gruden will offer by the day in irrelevant and even ridiculous drafts.

Once again, Gruden "took responsibility", and once again, Gruden spoke of the injuries suffered by the offensive line. Once again, Gruden complained of the big games allowed by the defense. But this is the repetition, not the improvement, and there will certainly be no more absence by the end of the season.

It is not so much that it is the bottom for them and that things can not get worse. It's the same thing week after week. Losing by four and a half goals against a team with the same number of victories (one) only accentuates the terrible similarity of the season. It's a bad team that's playing below capacity for a coach who looks every week wanting to train anywhere except where he is and coach anyone, but who he is at.

And the optics to do it against their future rival, on national television (although in front of a small part of audience), against a quarterback whose last match was two years ago against Louisiana-Lafayette, in a game in which enraged bettors have been so supportive of the Raiders that bookmakers in Las Vegas have moved the four-and-a-half point line in four hours – well, that makes an atrocious performance even worse.

And the idea that it will improve is nonsense. The Raiders did not have much hope this year, but this performance killed him. Even if they take a win out of context for New Year's Eve, they'll still have this hot mess to top off a bunch of hot messes that define them as they embark on another rebuild that like most others will die at launch.

We'll talk about these Raiders when people talk about Cleveland Browns and Buffalo Bills. These Raiders will be held in low regard against Lane Kiffin's team and Dennis Allen's teams, Joe Bugel's team, Bill Callahan's team, Norv Turner's team and second Art Shell team .

And none of them has got a 10 year contract and all have assumed more responsibilities (no matter what it means) than Gruden has or will want to. The "six to eight months of negativity" that Gruden alluded to in his post-match mortem actually came only two months, and it began in earnest when he decided to start the season to teach Khalil Mack a lesson. about not going to the camp when told.

So, we have this. Or, more precisely, the Raiders have that. They fired for months and maybe years, starting with those in their general visor.

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