Rain hinders body recovery by turning ashes into paste


Rain helps extinguish a deadly forest fire in the Gold Rush country in northern California, but moisture also turns ash into a thick paste and hinders the hunt for revealing bone fragments which could indicate a body.

The researchers resumed work Friday afternoon after the rain hit Paradise in California. They scattered through the ruins of a mobile home park, some painting debris with rakes, others lifting twisted metal to look underneath.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Craig Covey, who heads a research team from Southern Le Orange County, California, said they were looking for a mobile home park for seniors for the second time because people are still missing "data-reactid =" 17 "> Craig Covey, who heads a research team from Orange County in Southern California, said they were looking for a second time mobile home park for seniors because there are still missing people whose last known address was in this neighborhood.

Rescuers saw through large pieces of sheet metal to allow dead dogs to search for traces of human remains in a mobile home park in Paradise, California. Source: AP Photo / Kathleen Ronayne)

Investigators, many of whom wore yellow rain gear and helmets to protect themselves from falling branches, looked for clues that could indicate that a person could not get out, such as a car in the driveway or a wheelchair ramp . They are not just looking for bones, but all that could be a pile of ashes cremated.

Hundreds still missing in northern California fires

The country's deadliest fire in the last century has killed at least 84 people and more than 560 people have still not been found.

Despite the mild weather, more than 800 volunteers searched for Thanksgiving remains and again Friday, two weeks after the flames swept the Sierra Nevada hills, authorities said.

National Urban Response System for Urban Search and Rescue Team Members of CATF-5 in Orange County Shelter from Rain in Paradise , in California. Source: AP Photo / Kathleen Ronayne

About 30 volunteers worked several hours Friday morning before stopping and returning to a staging area with hot coffee and food under two blue tents. An electric radiator provided heat.

While the rain makes everyone colder and wetter, they keep the mission in mind, said research volunteer Chris Stevens.

"Everyone here is very committed to helping people here," he said.

Showers help extinguish fire but prevent search

The members of the research team are reviewing the mobile home park with search dogs. Source: AP Photo / Kathleen Ronayne

Two days of showers complicated the search, but also helped to almost completely extinguish the fire, said Josh Bischof, chief operating officer of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Once the rain has fallen, officials will be able to determine if the fire is completely extinguished, he said.

The first winter storm in California has dropped 5 to 10 cent rain on the burned area since its start Wednesday, the National Weather Service said in Sacramento.

The weather service issued a warning about potential flash floods and debris flows from areas affected by major fires in northern California, including burned areas in Paradise.

Members of the search and rescue team are sheltering from the rain in Paradise, California, as strong winds and heavy rain temporarily interrupt reconstruction efforts. Source: AP Photo / Kathleen Ronayne

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The fire went on November 8 and & nbsp;destroyed nearly 19,000 buildings, most of which are dwellings. & nbsp;"data-reactid =" 114 "> The fire broke out on November 8 and destroyed nearly 19,000 buildings, most of which were dwellings.

The camp fire, which destroyed the historic mining town of Paradise, is the deadliest in the state's history, with 84 deaths Friday, according to statistics from the Department of Forests and Wildlife. California fire protection.

In Southern California, more and more residents were allowed to return to the evacuated areas because of the 391-square-kilometer Woolsey Fire, while the teams were working on repairing utilities. electricity, telephone and gas.

Nearly 1,100 residents were still under evacuation in Malibu and the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, compared with 250,000 at the height of the fire.

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