Rajasthan Zika strain not related to microcephaly


The Union Health Ministry said Saturday that advanced molecular studies suggest that the strain of Zika virus affecting Rajasthan patients does not contain known mutations related to fetal microcephaly and high transmissibility of the virus at home. Aedes mosquitoes.

The statement quotes studies of Rajika strains of Zika virus from Rajasthan, conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – National Institute of Virology (NIV) of Pune, by next-generation sequencing.

The strict vigil continues

The statement added that the government maintains strict vigilance given the possibility of negative consequences on pregnancy in women exposed to the Zika virus, as the strain may mutate in the future or other factors unknown or related to the host could play a role in microcephaly or other congenital anomalies.

According to the statement, the Ministry of Health is reviewing the situation daily. About 2,000 samples were tested for Zika virus positivity, of which 159 positive cases were confirmed.

A sufficient number of test kits have been provided to the viral research and diagnostic laboratories. The state government has received IEC materials to raise public awareness about Zika virus disease and prevention strategies. All pregnant women in the area are monitored by the National Health Mission. Intensive surveillance and vector control measures are also under way in the region.

Zika virus disease is an emerging disease currently reported by 86 countries around the world. The symptoms resemble those of other viral infections, such as dengue, and include fever, rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pains, discomfort and headaches.

Vector management

In India, the first outbreak was reported in Ahmedabad in January / February 2017 and the second in July 2017 in Krishnagiri district, Tamil Nadu. Both epidemics were controlled through intensive surveillance and vector management.

The disease continues to feature on the disease surveillance radars of the Union 's Ministry of Health, although it is no longer a public health emergency of international concern, according to a notification from the US Department of Health. WHO dated November 18, 2016.

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