Ralph Lauren RTW Spring 2019 – WWD


It was a Moment. Not just a fashion moment – although it certainly is. It was a cultural moment that, in the broader and ugly cultural context in which we live, has highlighted the permanent belief of a man, well and beautifully inscribed in the identity of his megabrand, that civility is not only the spirit and the effort. Oprah spoke about the integrity of Ralph Lauren, which is "a word we need more." A litany of famous guests came to pay homage (and spend a glamorous evening at Central Park): Hillary to Kanye two-thirds of Americans the transformation triumvirate still tied to fashion, Calvin and Donna. The evening majesty of Bethesda Terrace, its arcade adorned with velvet-covered benches on a pastiche of Persian rugs, offered a burst of New York at its best, idealized and romantic. Then there is the story of the American dream, one of the possibilities that came true and others.

Given these elements, it may seem trivial to focus too much on clothing: let's celebrate the man and his unprecedented achievements now; a lot of time later to talk. But it was a fashion show, this essential seasonal statement of clothes that the man and the Ralph Lauren company want to sell right now (see-now-buy-now!). Lauren's personal hugs surrounding this remarkable 50th birthday are well deserved, but you do not become a $ 6 billion man with a positive thought. Fashionable, it takes a concept, a vision, a tenacity and all these laudable characteristics. He also takes the product. Produced with a perceived and inherent value that resonates within the same demographic group or many demographic data sufficient to entice people to buy it instead of something else.

On the podium, Lauren played her role perfectly with a powerful affirmation of the relevance of her brand's fashion – something that he did not always achieve. The current themes of Lauren's work – the American Southwest, the British aristocracy, robustness, refinement, retro glamor and vintage charm – are emblematic. But there is no circumvention, sometimes it has gone too far in literally interpreting any of the above, or putting too many boats on too many jerseys.

Not this time. This show was great. Lauren's brilliant cast is as natural as the greenery surrounding Bethesda Terrace. "This concerns the world. It's about change, "said Lauren in a preview before her show. "It's all kinds of people, all kinds of countries. It's an inspiration for what I think is happening with young people who are individual and who love individuality. "

That said, not everyone was young and some were very young. Children were not actors in the agency, but children of staff members, friends and adult role models, which made the construction even more attractive. Nobody seemed to be paid to wear Ralph Lauren clothes. They all had the air wanted to wear Ralph Lauren clothes.

"I think young women and men love the fact of anti-fashion fashion," said Lauren. "I was totally inspired to do it. It's a vintage, it's an individual thing, eclectic and unique. And that has nothing to do with the trends of the moment. This has to do with an individual that you want to be and wear what you want to wear. "

Hunting trend, maybe not. Yet, the show tackles two major themes that dominate fashion. The fun and sporty part of Polo Sport reminded with zest, humor and a lot of love (I know, I hate all schmaltz, but it's like that) that the intersection of the street and sport in the traditional style was not born yesterday. At least one guy was there a moment.

As for the section that brought together the Women's Collection and RRL, the images tell a story of comfort, ease and a casual approach to dressing, which is the way everyone has looked in person and on the podiums. However, with their knit hats, work shirts and comfy sweaters, the models wore the finest and most elaborate clothes we can see all season long. Skirts and dresses that were marvels of the development and embellishment of the fabrics and outstanding patchworks patchwork, made variously in a sensual Guinevere dress and a number of spectacular coats.

Some stakes were obviously devoid of track to take stock (read: a little costumey, especially the appearance of some men); some could have left the park and entered the street. Be that as it may, Lauren has made a powerful argument for approaching the exquisite with a daily state of mind, taking advantage of her preciousness and carrying the devil. It is a concept on which the long-term success of luxury depends. He delivered the message without compromising his creative ethos one iota. In the jargon of the day, it's authenticity. It is likely that Lauren would explain it differently, in words that he used before: "I do what I do." He did it in a fabulous way for 50 years. Congratulations to Ralph. And thank you.

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