Ramaswamy quits Google for a venture capitalist career | Digital


Sridhar Ramaswamy, one of Google's leading advertising executives, leaves the company after 15 years of business to join the VC Group, Greylock Partners. The senior vice president of advertising and commerce is being replaced by Prabhakar Raghavan, vice president of engineering at Google, the company said.

Ramaswamy "will initially focus on companies that leverage large-scale data, artificial intelligence, computer-based learning and analytics to provide consumers or businesses with a new generation of knowledge and capabilities," said Greylock in an article on Medium.

At Google, Ramaswamy was responsible for delivering digital ads to users in areas such as programming, video, shopping and research. The Google veteran has also been spearheading a number of critical moments in the company's history.

When it took over Google's advertising activities in 2013, the company generated $ 51 billion in advertising revenue; it should now exceed $ 100 billion. Key moments in his tenure were the transition of Google's search and advertising activities from desktop to mobile. Aged 51, he has also integrated the company's product announcements into one of its fastest-growing segments and has focused his efforts on making search ads work on smaller mobile screens; This was done largely by reconfiguring where and how the ads were placed.

Beyond that, Ramaswamy has also helped Google in several self-regulatory efforts, such as the Coalition for Better Ads and the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR.

Raghavan, meanwhile, comes from a background of algorithms and research. The Google veteran for seven years has also co-authored the books "Randomized Algorithms" and "Information Retrieval".

In 2014, he oversaw Google's suite of cloud-based enterprise applications, including Drive, Docs, and Hangouts.

Under Raghavan, Apps has moved from a set of consumer programs to a business service called G Suite, which has more than 4 million paying customers and now significantly contributes to Google's cloud market . In particular, he helped introduce artificial intelligence-based features, such as Smart Reply, which automatically provides relevant responses to emails, and Smart Compose, which offers entire sentences to users when they write. messages in Gmail. According to Raghavan, co-author of some patents, over 10% of Gmail English responses are machine-written and accepted by human recipients.

"I have been working with Prabhakar for many years and I can not find anyone better to lead our monetization efforts," said Google CEO, Google CEO Sundar Pichai. "Prabhakar has incredible management experience and deep technical expertise to match."

– With Bloomberg report

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