Rams' Donald Aaron puts helmet back on after seahawks over to face Justin Britt


The Rams and the Seahawks were chippy all day on Sunday, and that came to a head after Aaron Donald defensive tackle scooped up what he thought was in the game and took off with it. Whistles were not heard, so Donald thought he had a game-clinching fumble recovery after Russell Wilson just shoveled a ball forward while he was being brought down.

At the end of the play, the Seahawks' Justin Britt took issue with Donald running out of bounds. Donald was not happy about Britt's push. Also, Donald could probably take some snaps at running back. This is horrifying.

The play was eventually ruled an incomplete with offsetting unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. The Rams, of course, would definitely stop the Seahawks on their way to win their season. Donald had a game befitting his Defensive Player of the Year-worthy campaign after being kept quiet by the Saints last week, notching 2 1/2 sacks on Wilson. However, despite the win, Donald still wanted a word with Britt after it was over.

So, to recap, he takes off the jersey and donates his helmet before running across the field to Britt. Obviously the Rams and the Seahawks do not like each other, but this may be ill-advised. When you have a huge matchup against the Chiefs next week in Mexico City, you do not want to do anything to jeopardize your status for that game. Donald will probably get it for this purpose, but if the NFL suspends it, the Rams will have lost a massive battle in their defense for it.

While a suspended suspension is unlikely, Sean McVay and Wade Phillips will undoubtedly be unhappy he made a conversation surrounding it possible.

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