Ramsey on Tyreek Hill: This is not a match between WR and CB


Sunday's game between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Kansas City Chiefs adds an extra touch to an already fascinating game.

In one corner, fans will attend one of the main infractions of the league led by quarterback Patrick Mahomes leaders, while in the other corner are the Jaguars, owners of the highest ranked defense. of the NFL.

A fierce battle has been launched in recent days between two of the youngest stars of the NFL.

Receiver receiver Tyreek Hill told reporters on Wednesday that he was looking forward to the challenge of facing Jaguars cornerback Jalen Ramsey, whom Hill had respectfully called the "best dog" at half-time. corner of the league.

"He's a great player," Hill said. "Obviously, he has a high self-esteem, he's fine, I suppose, I'm looking forward to queuing up against him, I hope he's pushing me."

Hill had a say, but Thursday provided Ramsey with the opportunity to send his own anti-heat missile.

"I would have just wanted him to choose a camp," Ramsey said. "Either I'm fine or I'm the best dog – pick a camp.If I'm the best, but I'm fine, it means that he does not think there's a corner in the league." well and that's not true. "

Ramsey added that he was also looking forward to seeing how the Jaguars 'defense would align with the Chiefs' attack, but she had some problems.

"I do not like the fact that anyone made a match against Tyreek," Ramsey said. "He's good for what he does for their team."

The second take? Ramsey certainly did not mince words and emphasized the difference between winning NFL honors in a natural position and not in a specialty.

"[Hill] has made All-Pro a return specialist – let's get things right – as a return specialist, Ramsey said. He went to two Pro Bowls as Return Specialist, Return Specialist. In two years, I made All-Pro in my corner role. I went to the Pro Bowl for a corner, so it's not a wide match against a corner. So, we can stand it out. "

It remains to be seen if Ramsey will remain stuck exclusively on the explosive Hill, who was listed under the 4.3 bar in the 40-meter dashboard, in a defensive blanket throughout the match.

The Chiefs have other weapons to receive outside of Hill for the Jaguars they need to worry about, namely the large receivers Sammy Watkins and Chris Conley, and the small, narrow Travis Kelce.

Nevertheless, the media-to-media exchange between Ramsey and Hill virtually ensures that Sunday's game at Arrowhead Stadium will be a must to watch television in the event of a confrontation on the field, where the actions and the production will be more eloquent as words.

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