Rangers recover the bodies of 2 people who died in Yosemite National Park


Yosemite National Park official says park wardens have found the bodies of two people fallen to death from a popular point of view. Rangers found the bodies of a man and a woman Thursday after working all day to find them, said Jamie Richards, spokesman for the park.

Richards said that she did not know how the rangers had reached the bodies but that they were working all day in the "hard zone".

She added that the authorities were investigating the fall of the pair and the part of Taft Point located 3,000 feet above the famous floor of the Yosemite Valley. Victims have not been identified.

Taft point gives some balustrades, but visitors can go to the edge of a vertiginous granite edge without a railing and has become a favorite place for photos posted on social networks.

"It's a very popular place in Yosemite – really popular for engagement, proposals and weddings," said photographer Matt Dippel at CNN. "There were at least three or four different brides taking their pictures after the wedding, so it's certainly not unusual to see up there."

More than 10 people have died in the park this year, including six as a result of a fall and the others from natural causes, Park spokesman Scott Gediman said.

Last month, a Israeli teenager fell to hundreds of feet at his death on a hike near the top of Nevada Fall, 600 feet high. The death of Tomer Frankfurter, 18, was considered an accident, the Mariposa County Coroner's Office announced.

Taft Point is also the place of the world-famous aviary. Dean Potter and his partner, Graham Hunt, died after jumping off the cliff in 2015. They used to fly in a wingsuit – the most extreme form of BASE jumping – and crashed after trying to clean a nick. V-shaped in a ridge line.

BASE-jump is synonymous with jumping buildings, antennas, spans (such as bridges) and Earth. It is illegal in the park.

An investigation concluded that the deaths were accidental. Despite the video and photos of the jump, officials believe that the death of Potter and Hunt is a mystery.

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