Rape of a 7-year-old girl arouses angry protests in India


There were 40,000 reported rapes in India in 2016 and the victims were children in 40% of these cases

Thousands of people took to the streets this week in India to demand the death penalty for Abusers who raped a girl were lured away from school while she was waiting to be picked up by her parents.

Two men were arrested for the crime in the town of Mandsaur, police said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government introduced the death penalty for rape of girls under the age of 12 and increased the minimum sentence for those whose victims were under the age of 16 after the eight-year-old rape. A girl and a young woman in two states led by her party earlier this year led to public protests.

In India, 40,000 rapes were reported in 2016 and the victims were children in 40% of cases. Every day, newspapers tell new stories of sexual violence against women.

In Mandsaur, the girl was waiting to be picked up at school by her parents, who were late, police said. CCTV images, accessed from nearby stores, showed her away with one of the defendants.

Police found the victim unconscious in nearby bushes, said Manoj Singh, a police commissioner in Mandsaur District. in detention, he added.

"Our investigation is almost over," Singh said. "We are waiting for the doctors to allow us to speak to the victim, we just want to confirm some things with her and then we will present the final report in court."

Singh said that thousands of people have staged protests in about eight cities in the region, many seeking the death penalty for the accused. Shivraj Chauhan, the chief minister of the state of Madhya Pradesh, where Mandsaur is located, also demanded the death sentence for those found guilty, according to reports.

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