A strange encounter with a rare cloud formation during the wee K-end left Escanaba entrepreneur marveled, then breathless, and then at the request of news agencies and weather sites who want to use his mysterious photos and videos.

Holly Belongie Marenger and her husband, Matt, were at their rental property at Au T It was raining Saturday night when he called her out to look at Lake Superior, which had suddenly dropped by 30 feet.

By the time she came out hurriedly, she said, the water was coming back – "but I noticed, in the background, strange gray streak in the sky."

C & # 39; was a rolling cloud, an even more random cousin of the unusual plateau cloud. Both are formally classified as arcus clouds, and as the one she spotted struck the shore, even the perpetual Yooper "had to divert it."

"The wind was so fierce that I could not catch my breath,"

As the Weather Channel website describes, the rolling clouds look like giant rolling pins. They differ from the plateau clouds in that the plateau clouds usually fall to the brink of storms, while the clouds have separated from a storm.

There was no rain on Saturday, Marenger told Detroit News. 65. When she waded into the lake after the cloud hit a row of pines and dissipated, the water – typically 65 degrees on the coastline – was so cold that it was like walking in a glass of ice. "

Both, 51, own Mr. Bike, Ski & Fitness and a cafe in Escanaba, as well as a lodge and two cabins for hire at Au Train, about 60 miles to North. Married for 30 years, they have six children and have no experience of CBS phone calls and a news agency in Seattle.

Holly Marenger did not expect attention. She simply posted her pictures on Facebook, and the internet triggered her own breathlessness.

"It's a bit overwhelming," she said – not unpleasant, but shocking.

As she told her husband: I had put this on your page. "

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