Rare summer nor easter should bring heavy rain, flash floods in the tri-state region


NEW YORK – An incoming storm is expected to bring heavy rains, strong winds and floods in the Tri-State region

. reach speeds above 40 mph. Some areas may see rainfall of 1 to 2 inches.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned New Yorkers to prepare for severe weather between Saturday and Sunday.

Heavy rains can cause sudden flooding, especially in clogged storm sewers, washed out culverts and dirt roads. Tonight, storms can appear quickly and without warning, and I encourage New Yorkers to closely monitor local weather reports to ensure their safety and that of their families, "Governor Cuomo said. "All residents, especially those who are near the coast or in areas at risk of flooding, should limit unnecessary travel during heavy rains and have an emergency plan in place prior to the storm.

Afternoon and evening, according to the National Weather Service.

Thunderstorms and showers are expected to continue until Monday evening, NWS reported

. As a result, a disturbance to the west will result in downpours and thunderstorms, especially in the afternoons, with hot and humid temperatures.

How to prepare for floods and severe weather:

  • Know the county in which you live and the names of nearby towns. Learn the safest route from your home or business to a safe and secure place if you have to leave hurriedly.
  • Develop and practice a family evacuation plan and identify a meeting place if family members separate.
  • Make a detailed list of all valuables, including furniture, clothing and other personal property. Keep the list in a safe place.
  • Put emergency supplies of canned food, medicine, first aid supplies and drinking water in reserve. Keep Drinking Water in Clean, Closed Containers
  • Plan what to do with your pets.
  • Have a portable radio, flashlights, spare batteries and emergency cooking equipment at your disposal. If electricity is cut off, service stations may not be able to pump fuel for several days. Have a small disaster supply kit in the trunk of your car.
  • Find out how many feet your property is above and below possible flood levels. When planned flood levels are broadcast, you can determine if you risk being flooded.
  • Keep materials such as sandbags, plywood, plastic sheets and wood for emergency waterproofing
  • Flashlight and additional batteries
  • Radio with batteries and batteries Additional Information
  • Rescue Kit and Manual
  • Food and Emergency Water
  • Non-Electric Can Opener
  • Essential Drugs
  • Checkbook, Cash, Credit Cards, ATM Cards

PIX11 News & # 39; Mr. G, Andrew Cruz and Craig Allen contributed to this report.

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