Rauner castigates the candidate's gift to the post of mayor of Chicago, Willie Wilson, according to the state, which has not violated the rules of the campaign


The mayor candidate, Willie Wilson, apparently did not violate the electoral law by distributing more than $ 200,000 in cash and checks on Sunday at an event that he met with the governor Bruce Rauner at a church in South Side. Wilson campaign spokesman Scott Winslow said the millionaire businessman gave money to people to help cover the cost of their property taxes and other expenses as part of his long-standing philanthropic work. Wilson gave the money Sunday at an event at New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church, where he was joined by Rauner.

Speaking at an event unrelated to Wheaton on Monday, the re-elected governor said that he was in church with Wilson. speak at the request of the pastor. Rauner said that he had given Wilson, one of his friends, $ 100,000 last year and $ 100,000 more to help struggling families pay their property taxes, but did not pay. did not approve the distribution of money to the church. I think the idea of ​​distributing money if you are running for office is outrageous, "Rauner said." It should not happen. I learned after the fact and I was quite upset when I heard that it was happening.

Wilson brought about $ 200,000 in checks that he distributed to people who had been approved in advance, Winslow said. He said that the thousands of cash dollars that Wilson gave Sunday came from Wilson's personal bank account. Wilson brought $ 40,000 in cash because he knows from experience that when he organizes such events to help homeowners pay their property taxes, many people also ask for money to cover other costs, so he pays them out of pocket, "Winslow said.

Wilson distributed most of the money, but not all, Winslow said, adding that nothing of the Rauner's contribution was cashed in. Rauner's contribution to the Wilson Foundation was part of the checks that were disbursed, however, according to Winslow.

Rauner said Monday that he did not think his money had been distributed and that he was checking to see if it was the case.He intended to ask for his money if that was the case, says Rauner.

"Help people who have been screened, who have gone through a process and got their name and who have received "It's a process," said Rauner. "That's what I've said that my money is gone and I'm fine with that. I did it last year. I did it this year. And I will do it again next year. It has nothing to do with the election campaign.

Wilson is one of 10 opponents announced against Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who is seeking a third term in the February elections. Wilson reported raising nearly $ 293,000 for his mayor campaign, including $ 281,000 from loans he made himself, according to the archives.

Matt Dietrich, spokesman for the Illinois State Elections Council The fact that the money comes from Wilson's foundations seems to allow him to avoid having to go to court. violating campaign finance laws

"From what we can see, it seems that he did not use campaign funds". "And there does not seem to have been a counterpart, like," Here is some money, vote for me. "So, from our point of view, there does not seem to be anything illegal about it."

Chicago Election Commission spokesman Jim Allen said the council is monitoring the situation. "We have not received a formal complaint, and even though we have done so, we are not yet in the municipal campaign, so we do not know what our authority would be, except to refer the situation to forces of order ".

Winslow said the only problem is of a political order, with Wilson's opponents in the tight battlefield of the mayor, trying to give the impression that it is useless . And with Wilson having used his own money to help the people of Chicago make ends meet, Winslow said the campaign was conducive to scrutiny

"We challenge them to do it. a campaign, "said Winslow. "Bring it."

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Willie Wilson's goal is to bail out the owners, for a run to the governor "

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