Ravens Fined $ 200,000 For Breaching Communication Policy


The Baltimore Ravens were fined $ 200,000 by the NFL on Wednesday for violating the coaching communication policy during the 2018 preparatory matches, an informed source told Ian Rapoport.

The fine comes from several Ravens players simultaneously wearing helmets with communication components from coach to player in the field.

The Ravens released the following statement on Wednesday:

This is not the first time the Ravens have been fined for a breach of the collective agreement. In June, the Ravens gave up their last two team activities following an undisclosed offense. Owner Steve Bisciotti and Coach John Harbaugh were fined $ 100,000 and $ 50,000 respectively for this offense.

The Ravens and Harbaugh were fined $ 343,057 and $ 137,223 respectively for a similar offense in 2016. The organization was also forced to cancel a week of training in 2010 for have violated the rules of the previous CBA.

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