Ray Allen – Boston Celtics Tenure "Most Important Moment in Life"


SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Ray Allen said his five seasons with the Boston Celtics were the "most important moment of my life", even as the broken relationship with the 2007-08 team members flew over his imminent entry into the Naismith Memorial. Basketball Hall of Fame.

Allen hit the headlines earlier this week, suggesting that he was not expecting members of the 2008 team to congratulate him for his induction and confirmed when he appeared on ESPN Thursday. he had not heard of his former teammates. this week.

But Allen wants fans in Boston to remember what the Celtics have achieved during this period of the Big Three and not the bitterness that awaits him since he joined his rival Miami Heat in 2012.

"People watch how I left, but I look how I lived while I was there. [in Boston]Allen said Thursday at a press conference after members of this year's induction course received their Hall of Fame jackets on the eve of the induction.

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"For me, it's the most important moment of my life because I've never won, and I've been able to win.And it's probably the most important period that I want people to remember, it's time together. "

Allen was asked the dichotomy of the way he was seen in New England. In Connecticut, he is a beloved son for his stay at the University of Connecticut. In other parts, there is always a pain about his departure.

"Now, I understand the anxiety that people have towards me because they loved [the title team] so much, because I was part of this team and that I was part of everything they did until winning, "said Allen." But, as we all know, it becomes such an affair that you have to decide to fold the tent. You have to move on. And there are so many different factors at play. "

Earlier this week, former Celtics coach Doc Rivers was appalled at not being able to help the 2008 team reconcile their differences. Rivers wants Allen to be celebrated for his achievements in Boston, without remembering his release.

But Allen looked on peace Thursday, trying to soak up the Hall of Fame's experience. He spoke with great pride of all the people who pushed him during his basketball career and gave him the confidence to become one of the best snipers in the world. history of the NBA.

Allen achieved 2,973 3 points in his career, the largest in NBA history. He won two NBA titles: 2008 with the Celtics and 2013 with the Heat. Allen has been named three stars with three different teams, including the Seattle SuperSonics. He, Shaquille O 'Neal and Wilt Chamberlain are the only ones to do it.

Allen was particularly relaxed in telling stories of his career about his validation leading to his enthronement.

"I think one of the biggest compliments I received was that some coaches called me," Oh, that's it, "Allen said with a laugh." And if I ever found myself on the floor, they would say, "Oh, how is it open?" Often, when I ran to the ground, the other team coach yelled at his guy, "Do not leave him! I do not care what you do, do not leave him. And the guy who was guarding me was so paranoid … Things like that, it's always been validation for me in my position and my impact on the game. "

Jason Kidd, another of this year's class poster heads, did not attend the Thursday Jacket Ceremony. The Hall of Fame announced that Kidd was sick and had been advised not to steal, but said he hoped to attend the Friday night induction ceremony.

The information from ESPN Stats & Information was used in this report.

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