Read the emails: The Trump and Roger Stone Campaign


Mr. Stone had long publicly and privately claimed that he had prior knowledge of the information that WikiLeaks intended to disclose about Ms. Clinton and her political allies. At the beginning of October, Mr. Stone had predicted on his Twitter account, which was suspended after a series of praise-filled tweets, the documents Assange had promised to make public would hurt Mrs. Clinton's campaign.

October 2, 2016 @rogerjstonejr: "Wednesday @ HillaryClinton is over."

October 3, 2016 @rogerjstonejr: "I am totally confident that @wikileaks and my hero Julian Assange will soon educate the American people. #LockHerUp "

On the night of October 3, Mr. Boyle sent an email to Mr. Stone. Mr. Assange had scheduled a press conference for the next day, where he would announce the release of a new cache of documents. The e-mails show how close Breitbart News and the campaign were, and how people in Mr. Bannon's orbit saw Mr. Stone as a direct link to WikiLeaks.

Monday, October 3, 2016
DE: Matthew Boyle
To: Roger Stone

Assange – what's he? I hope it is good.

thank you,

Matthew Boyle
Washington political editor, Breitbart News

Mr. Stone had apparently tried to contact Mr. Bannon to share Mr. Assange's plans. Mr. Boyle, a protégé of Mr. Bannon, sent him Mr. Stone's email. But Mr. Bannon did not seem interested in getting involved.

Monday, October 3, 2016
FROM: Roger Stone
To: Matthew Boyle

It is. I would say so to Bannon but he does not remember me.

My book on the TRUMP campaign will be published in January.

Many scores will be settled.


Monday, October 3, 2016
DE: Matthew Boyle
To: Steve Bannon
You should call Roger. See below. You did not get me.

Monday, October 3, 2016
FROM: Steve Bannon
To: Matthew Boyle
I have important things to worry about

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
DE: Matthew Boyle
To: Steve Bannon

Quite clearly, he knows what Assange has. I would say it's important.

The next morning, Assange told reporters in Berlin, by teleconference, that he planned to broadcast "important information" in the coming weeks, including the US presidential election. He added that WikiLeaks hoped to publish a wealth of documents every week in the coming months. Mr. Assange's comments have been widely reported in the United States.

Mr. Bannon then contacted Mr. Stone directly to ask him to better understand Mr. Assange's plan. In particular, Mr. Stone did not tell Mr. Bannon that Mr. Assange had not said publicly. He explained that Mr. Assange was concerned about his safety and said in an interview that Mr. Credico was his source of information.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Steve Bannon
To: Roger Stone

What was this morning ???

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Roger Stone
To: Steve Bannon
Fear. Serious security problem. He thinks they're going to kill him and that the London police are up.

However – a charge every week in the future.

Roger stone

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Steve Bannon
To: Roger Stone

He has not made deals with clintons ???

The last email in the exchange is vintage Stone. He demanded that the Trump campaign substitutes convey his unproven accusations that Bill Clinton had a child in love, Danney Williams. And he told Mr. Bannon to have the wealthy Republican donor Rebekah Mercer send money to her political organization – a 501 (c) (4) group sometimes called C-4 – which was structured from way to keep the secret on its donors. There is no evidence that Mr. Bannon asked Ms. Mercer to send money.

In response to Mr. Bannon's request for inside information as to whether Mr. Assange had an agreement with the Clintons not to publish the emails, Mr. Stone said he did not know.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Roger Stone
To: Steve Bannon

Do not believe that, but his lawyer, Fishbein, is a great democrat.

I know your surrogates are stupid, but try to make them understand the Danney Williams case

chick mutilated on CNN this morning

He becomes public on Monday. The Drudge Report was an untimely leak.

I raised $ 150,000 for the black-targeted digital campaign via a C-4.

Tell Rebecca to send us $$$

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