Reason The flu season of last year was deadly? Not enough vaccines


Just over a third of Americans were vaccinated against influenza last year, contributing to one of the most deadly influenza seasons of recent years.

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Last year's flu season resulted in the hospitalization of nearly a million people in the United States. Getty Images

Like millions of Americans, JoJo O'Neal chose not to get the flu shot last year.

"I was ready to get vaccinated against the flu. And then I developed the flu. I'm over 50 and have asthma, so I really lost my game, "said O'Neal, a 54-year-old radio personality in Orlando, Florida.

She has also passed the flu on to her sister with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

"It was really scary not only for me with my asthma, but also for my sister who is suffering from chronic lung disease. She has also passed on the flu to her daughter, "said O'Neal.

With influenza-related deaths already reported this year, health officials remind people that influenza vaccine remains the best protection – not only for yourself, but for those around you as well.

"Even if you're young and healthy and you're able to survive the flu, there's a risk of passing it on to a friend, family member, or other loved one who may not tolerate the flu." said Dr. MeiLan Han. Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan Health System and Director of the Michigan Airways Program.

Nicole Basta, assistant professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, says higher vaccination rates protect both people who get the flu shot and those around them.

"When we are all vaccinated, we increase our immunity and reduce our risk of getting the flu," Basta said. "But it's equally important to reduce the risk to our families, friends and communities by stopping the spread of the flu."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that most Americans 6 months of age and older get vaccinated every year.

CDC data show that 37.1% of US adults were vaccinated against influenza during the last influenza season. This represents a decline of 6.2% from the previous season and down from the previous seven seasons.

This decrease has contributed to one of the most deadly influenza seasons in decades.

The CDC estimates that flu has killed more than 79,000 Americans during the 2017-2018 influenza season, hospitalized 959,000 people and infected 48.8 million.

Ninety percent of deaths and 70% of hospitalizations occurred among people aged 65 and over.

But even the youngest adults have been affected. "About 10,300 deaths have occurred among working-age adults (aged 18 to 64), an age group that often has a low vaccination against influenza," the CDC reported.

Health officials also reported 183 flu-related child deaths, although the CDC estimates that the actual number of deaths was more than 600.

The CDC estimates that 80% of child deaths occurred in unvaccinated children.

Several groups have a higher risk of influenza-related complications: children under 5, adults over 65, pregnant women, Native Americans and Alaskan Indians.

Chronic diseases also pose risks to people, including lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, and weakened immune systems.

Millions of people suffer from these conditions, including approximately 2.7% of adults whose immune systems are weakened due to HIV, autoimmune disease treatments and immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation .

"These are the people who could possibly be hospitalized," Han said. "We have already had the death of a young child this year."

One child died in Florida during the first week of October. According to the state health department, they had not received a flu shot.

Many misconceptions about the flu vaccine persist.

The first is that the flu shot can give you the flu. It can not.

"It may be a few days after your flu shot, you may not feel 100%," Han said. "But it's really nothing compared to the severity of the disease that can occur with the flu."

Another is related to the effectiveness of the vaccine.

The influenza vaccine is produced annually based on scientific predictions indicating which strains of the flu virus will pose the most problems in the United States.

Last season's influenza vaccine was found to be 40% effective.

"The flu shot is not perfect," Basta said. "But it turned out to be one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the flu, and it's better than doing nothing."

Influenza vaccine is available in doctors' offices, health clinics and some pharmacies and other stores. offers a searchable database of vaccination sites.

The American Lung Association's "GetMyShot" campaign, which includes spokespersons for Han and O'Neal, offers resources for people 50 years and older about the dangers of influenza and the importance of immunization.

Han points out that it has been shown that some vaccines work best in the elderly. If you have questions about the flu shot that's right for you, talk to your health care provider.

And think of those around you.

"I encourage people, even if they do not necessarily want to be vaccinated against the flu, for themselves, for others, for those they love and those around them," he says. O'Neal said.

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