Rebellion to justice – WSJ


Donald Trump continues to say that the November elections are a referendum on him, so a key part of the democratic strategy is to feed the story of chaos to the White House: Trump-baiting for him to overreact . This is probably the best way to look at the New York Times story Friday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has considered carrying a thread to the White House and dismissing the President through the 25th Amendment.

To this day, Mr. Trump avoids the advice that he immediately dismissed Mr. Rosenstein, and rightly so. The so-called comments were made in spring 2017 and it's hard to know what's true. The story is based on a story by former FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe, about a meeting of justice officials in May 2017. Mr. McCabe was part of the FBI Jim Comey who wants to elect a democratic congress and put in charge Mr. Trump.

Mr. Rosenstein says that he "never prosecuted or authorized the registration of the President and that any suggestion I have already made for the dismissal of the President is absolutely false." The idea of ​​using the 25th Amendment to dismiss a president who is not physically handicapped is so stupid that only experts in search of attention would propose it.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer immediately warned Mr. Trump not to fire Mr. Rosenstein, which means he wants Trump to dismiss him. He will then have another media conflagration that his candidates will face to resume the Congress.

Mr. Rosenstein was undoubtedly under siege in May 2017 and one day after the alleged meeting he appointed Special Adviser Robert Mueller. But Mr. Trump was partly responsible for this mess.

Mr. Rosenstein had written an excellent memo explaining why Mr. Comey deserved to be fired as director of the FBI. But Mr. Trump, taking the anti-Trump media bait, told NBC that the real reason he fired Mr. Comey was that he refused to say publicly that he was not investigating Mr. Trump. The President then incorrectly tweeted that there could be recordings of Mr. Comey's White House meetings. Mr. Comey disclosed his own memos and a political outcry left Mr. Rosenstein feeling used.

It was 16 months ago. Mr. Mueller has since stepped up indictments against former Trump associates, but he has not provided any evidence on the Russia-Trump collusion story that was supposed to warrant the investigation. The immediate battle is now over for the mid-term elections and whether Mr. Trump can remain in power following the attack on the indictment of Nancy Pelosi's Democrats. Mr. Trump can make personnel changes after mid-session if Republicans still hold the Senate and that he can get someone to confirm.


By the way, on Friday, President Trump rebuffed his previous decision to declassify a series of documents related to Justice and FBI investigations during the 2016 election campaign. It's a strange decision and looks like an error .

"I met with the DOJ regarding the declassification of various documents NOT DEACTIVATED. They agreed to disclose but said it could have a negative impact on the investigation in Russia. In addition, key allies have called for not to publish, Trump said Friday.

But publishing documents to the public is not a cover-up. It is an act of transparency. Mr. Trump must declassify the documents because the FBI and Justice have consistently blocked Congress. Publication of documents at this stage can not harm the Mueller probe. With regard to allies, the democratic accountability of the United States must sometimes take precedence over the potential embarrassment of British intelligence.

The release of the documents would allow Americans to see for themselves how the FBI and the Justice Department justified their decision to launch their counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and to ask Carter for a spying warrant. Page; and if or how they checked the famous Steele file. Emails and unvoiced texts from Jim Comey's FBI team could also reveal political motivation.

Trump agreed to let the Inspector General of the Department of Justice review the documents "quickly", but time is running out. If the Democrats speak in the House, they will shut down any attempt to control the actions of the FBI and the justice system in 2016.

We continue to read that Mr. Trump threatens the independence of the Department of Justice, but he has less influence over his own political appointments to Justice than any president we can remember. This is largely due to his own indulgence and lies, but there is no evidence that an investigation has been interrupted or hindered by pressure from the White House. Declassify and publish the documents, Mr. President.

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