Recap of "Arrow": Season 7, first part of episode 1 – Roy's return


Warning: The following contains major spoilers for Monday. Arrow first.

Monday Arrow first season went back to the beginning – and in the future! Through a series of flash-forwardviewers were introduced to William, Oliver's now grown son (played by Chasing life"Ben Lewis) on his arrival on Lian Yu. While crossing the island where his father was stuck for so many years, William got caught in the trap. After his kidnapper arrived, William exclaimed, "You knew my father!" The mysterious figure then removed his hood, revealing himself … an older Roy Harper!

Arrow Flash Forward"When you're on a show for so long, the challenges are telling new stories to your characters," says spectator Beth Schwartz. But the new timeline, which begins 20 years later, "has just opened up a huge world, and creativity has just burst forth. The stories are now endless.

Although future episodes will not feature in all episodes, they will be present "a lot" and "all seasons and series," reveals Schwartz, who is the mother of the details of this transformation. As to whether other familiar names will appear in the future, whether they are played by regulars in the series or by guest stars, Schwartz would simply say, "We'll see some of our characters" and deepen the way the past affects the future.

"Part of what made this series so successful with flashbacks is that you really managed to get your characters into characters," says Schwartz. "Especially with Oliver, you knew how he became as he is. And now, with the flash-forward, you can see what's happening now, [and] how does this affect the characters in the future. "

Recap of the arrowSpeaking of the present, the premiere of the season found Oliver trying to keep his head in jail with mixed results. After Diaz's men inside attacked him – along with his wife Felicity and his son William on the outside – Oliver chose to fight brutally. (We will never look the count of Monte Cristo the same way again.) Even though the other guy had brought him in, the violent incident prolonged Oliver's stay behind bars, keeping him away from his relatives.

"I like the history of the prison. It's one of my favorite things this season, because it's so different from everything we've done before, "says Schwartz. "It allows [Oliver] to be with other people. We wanted to keep it separate, because the reality when we're in prison [is] you are do not With your family. His intrigues are therefore with the characters of the prison, "and in particular the prisoner wrongfully convicted Stanley (Gracepoint"Brendan Fletcher).

"The reason I love their relationship so much is because, first of all, they are opposed," says Schwartz about the dynamics of quirks. "He is sort of the voice of the city's hope, who believed in [the Green Arrow]because he is the biggest fan of Green Arrow. So, it's a little light for Oliver in prison. "

Elsewhere in the episode, Felicity told Oliver that she had finished hiding from Diaz and had chosen to no longer participate in witness protection. (Do not worry, William is heading to a boarding school.) And although the circumstances separate the husband and wife, they "fight for the same thing," namely their family, notes Schwartz. "Even though we do not physically see them together, their goals are the same. So they connect without physically connecting, which is really cool, in my opinion. You do not need to see them together to get this connection. "

Finally, there is the first of other big mystery: Who is the new Green Arrow that makes the difference between the names of a list? "We will definitely unveil and explore [that] before the end of the season, "promised Schwartz, adding that Dinah and Rene would remain" from different sides "of the debate" New green arrow: a friend or an enemy?

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