Record year for mosquitoes and West Nile virus in Pennsylvania


PENNSYLVANIA – The year was record for the number of mosquitoes and cases of West Nile virus in the whole country. Now, these mosquitoes should be almost gone.

Experts say the mosquitoes have not been so bad since 2012, when the record was broken.

Olivia Bingeman, coordinator of the mosquito-borne diseases program in the Penn State, Lebanon County and Lebanon regions, has shown FOX 43 different types of mosquitoes, including those most likely to carry mosquitoes. West Nile virus.

"Culex pipiens and restuans here," said Bingeman. "So, that's what I see most often."

According to the Ministry of Health, there have been 33 cases of West Nile virus in Pennsylvania since the beginning of the year. Two of them were dead.

"Yes, it's very unusual," Bingeman said. "It's definitely a problem. Whenever mosquitoes wander and sting you, it could hurt you.

In fact, Bingeman said that at the same time last year, there were only 83 mosquito pools in Lancaster County. Now there are 300.

"Normally, mosquitoes stop biting people and decide that this time they will start accumulating fat to help them survive during the winter," said Bingeman. "And that means not taking a blood meal instead of eating nectar and things like that."

She said it was probably because of all the rain we had this summer, in addition to the fact that it's still hot outside. All we can do is wait and take extra precautions.

"Unfortunately we did a lot and obviously that was not enough," said Bingeman. "But at this point, we can not do anything about it. We will continue, we will continue to monitor the adults as needed, we will continue to monitor as needed even if, technically, the season is already over. "

Bingeman said the key is now prevention. Use an insect repellent if you are going to be outside and eliminate any stagnant water.


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