recorded air traffic control calls


The calls to the air traffic controllers were brief, almost embarrassed: "He turned left, then quickly turned north," said a British Airways pilot.

She was flying a Boeing 737 on Flight 94 from Montreal to London in the early hours of Friday morning, November 9th.

"Is there a military exercise," she asks?

The air traffic controllers at Shannon Airport have been baffled: "There is nothing to show, whether in primary or secondary (radar) mode."

The conversation with the ground controllers has been recorded and published by

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"Ok," replied the British Airways pilot. (He) traveled so fast – in fact, you can not see him anymore. We were wondering. We did not think it was a collision course, but we just wondered what it could have been.

"It was such a bright light that it disappeared at a very high speed …

But it soon became clear that she was not the only one to see something strange in the morning sky.

Two other pilots by radio in the observations in the following minutes.

The flight 76 of Virgin Airlines from Orlando to Manchester was interrupted, the pilot confirming that he had also seen something, a "meteor or other object making a kind of comeback. There seemed to be several objects that followed the same type of trajectory. They were very bright from where we were … two bright lights that seemed to swing to the right and get away at least at the speed of our perspective.

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One pilot added that the speed of the objects seemed "astronomical, it was like Mach 2 (2500 km / h)".

"I'm glad it's not just me," said another driver.

Here, the exchange is over.

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) has announced that it would investigate information reporting an "unusual air activity".

"Following reports of unusual air activity reported by a small number of aircraft on Friday, November 9, the IAA has filed a report," said the Irish Aviation Authority.

"This report will be the subject of an investigation as part of the normal investigation process on a confidential event."

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