Red Sox fans prepare for World Series


The Red Sox fans are excited for the World Series, which begins Tuesday at Fenway Park, confident that the team will eliminate their opponents, whether they are L.A. Dodgers or Milwaukee Brewers.

The excitement of Thursday's game against the Houston Astros when the Sox won the 2018 series of the American League League has not faded for hours, as fans walked down Jersey Street from Fenway Park.

"I'm still losing my mind," said Kevin Dillon, 43, of Brookline. "I'm trying not to hurt myself. Boston fans are superstitious. We expect grief. But it's a good team. They have heart. They play at big baseball. "

Patrick Quinn, 48, from Boston, grew up in Ohio but has always been a Red Sox fan.

"I was a fan of the Red Sox and Celtics growing up as a little boy," Quinn said. "The game was great. I screamed and screamed. (Starting pitcher David) Price presented the game of his career. "

Quinn predicts that the Red Sox will face the Dodgers and silence the National League team.

"We just know," said Quinn. "All season, they have constantly closed teams."

His dog, Thor, a Houston lifeguard, however, had to choose his side, said Quinn.

"Everyone said," Who is Thor going to adapt to? "He's a fan of Boston now," Quinn laughed.

Joseph Meads, 31, from Las Vegas, in town for a friend's wedding, visited Fenway Park yesterday. The timing of his trip was perfect.

"Growing up in baseball, the Red Sox have always been one of my teams," said Meads. "It's absolutely incredible, euphoric. They are winners. "

Justin Costello, 60, and his wife, Julie Costello, 58, from Portland, Maine, were ecstatic.

"They are good," Justin said. "I can not wait until they win the World Series."

"This hat is 14 years old," he added, pointing to his Red Sox cap. "I had it in 2004. It was the happiest day of my life – after my marriage."

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