Red Sox vs. Astros: controversial interference of supporters plays an important role in the first leg of Match 4


HOUSTON – The Red Sox are a dangerous team when they are able to take a first place, which they did in the fourth game through a first round of two innings. But it looks like the Astros had the chance to clear that lead when Jose Altuve scored what could have been a two-run homer in the bottom half of the heat.

However, right-field umpire Joe West determined that the game was a fan interference, which determined that Mookie Betts was clogged while he was moving away to take the wall . Look for yourself:

The play was reviewed by the referees – it was a team leader review, not an Astros challenge – and it was decided that the field call would "stay". Officially, this means that MLB has not seen enough evidence to overturn West's appeal.

Rule 3.16 of the MLB covers the interference of the spectators. Here is the relevant text, let's emphasize mine:

In all cases of spectator interfering with a struck or thrown ball, the ball must be declared dead and the base pitchers may be placed at the position of the referee who would have determined that they would have been without interference. When a spectator clearly prevents a field player from catching a flying ball by reaching the playing field, the batter is excluded.. But no interference is called if a spectator comes into contact with a ball struck or thrown without reaching the playing field – even if a defensive player could have taken the ball if the spectator was not there.

As noted, the replay team in New York could not determine if the right-field supporters were interfering with Betts and preventing him from capturing. Questionable? Absolutely. In light of the evidence, it seems to me that everything that was called on the ground was going to stay, and in this case, the field referee, Joe West, called for public intervention.

The potential gambler related to the game was cleared, Altuve was called, George Springer was sent back to first base and the Red Sox were finally able to escape the first frame without surrendering.

Troy Caldwell, the orange polo fan, joked that he "will need security to escort me from here if the Astros do not come back to win this."

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