Redskins vs. Inactive Cardinals Week 1: As expected, WR Harris goes out


GLENDALE, Arizona – Week 1 of the 2018 NFL regular season has finally arrived, which means the Redskins are back on the field.

Alex Smith and Adrian Peterson make their regular-season debut in the West of the Redskins as Washington hits the road to face the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday afternoon.

Rich Tandler was released in Arizona and breaks what went well and what went wrong throughout the match.

Redskins vs. Cardinals: good, bad and ugly


Good: The Redskins racing game was strong. Adrian Peterson started well with a five-yard, quarterback run and accumulated 43 yards in nine races. Chris Thompson was 13 and 14 yards in the second possession of the Redskins.

He looked like a fast and fast runner we saw last year.

The bad: A good start to training killed by a false start and a pressure on the middle against Alex Smith forced him to an intentional grounding, making the Redskins empty.

The 12-yard rush, which would have happened if Smith had taken over, pushed the Redskins out of reach.

The ugly one: The defense had problems with David Johnson in the first possession of the Cardinals.

He won 24 yards in four races, including two 10-yard runs.


Good: Just after converting a fourth and running on a stealthy, Alex Smith was flushed to his left. He found Jordan Reed wide open at around eight yards and the TE made him go up for a gain of 22. The drive ended up on a run of Adrian Peterson TD of a metre.

The bad: From the point of view of the Redskins, absolutely nothing.

The ugly one: Smith played a strange game that looked somehow like a reading option but he never put the ball in the belly of the runner, so no one was fooled. The QB was attacked for a loss of two. That was pretty much the only mistake the Redskins made during the quarter.


Good: Peterson, who swept left, had 17 yards. It turned first and twentieth into two seconds.

The bad: The penalties ruined a Redskins car in the middle of the third quarter. They were able to overcome the top 20 because of a maintenance call. But after entering the territory of Arizona, they were selected to be retained. This one killed the reader and the Redskins had to throw.

The ugly one: The first possession of the Redskins of the second half was a dog. Starting in Arizona eight, Peterson was attacked for a loss of four. A penalty of withholding was denied on the play. Then Smith threw behind Thompson. The third of four, Smith was under heavy pressure and threw one that was almost on the ground and almost took off. Gross.


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