Reducing harmful chemicals is definitely healing the ozone layer – BGR


Global warming is on everyone's lips nowadays, and rightly so, but not so long ago, the main topic of discussion about the environment was the depletion of the Earth's ozone layer. Scientists have worked hard to prove that certain chemicals, including CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon), quickly destroyed the protective shield of our planet, and lawmakers eventually took notice, initiating a global effort to ban their use.

Now, a few decades after galvanizing these agreements, scientists believe that the ozone layer will be completely healed. It will take a few more decades to repair itself, but there is every indication that the annual hole in the ozone layer is forming regularly during the shrinking of Antarctica.

In a new UN report, scientists from around the world unveil their collective discoveries. Global efforts to phase out CFCs and similar chemicals have helped a great deal, and the natural processes that replenish the ozone layer are slowly correcting the damage done by humans before and during most of the time. of the 80s.

If healing continues at its current rate, researchers expect the hole to be completely healed by around 2060. This is quite a remarkable news. It is also irrefutable proof that humanity can actually make progress that will change the world when we all agree to work together. solve the problem. In fact, the struggle for the mid-to-late 1980s ozone layer somewhat reflects current debates on global warming.

Global warming, also called "climate change," is a huge problem that humanity must work together to solve. Scientists have gathered more evidence to prove that human activity is responsible for the progressive warming of the planet, but just like the shortsighted opponents who pushed back the CFC bans several decades ago, some People still refuse to believe that responsible for something bad that happens to the planet.

Embracing green energy while reducing fossil fuel emissions is a challenge and time is running out.

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