Reese's Thinner's Cups spark backlash


Hershey's plan to roll out a thinner Reese's Cup is sparking backlash on social media.

Last week, Hershey announced on a call with investors that it planned to launch a new product called "Reese's Thins" in March.

"Michele Buck, Hershey North America's President, said on the call," This product is about 40% thinner than the original cup, and it appeals to those consumers.

Hershey will not stop selling the original Reese's Cups, as the candy giant continues to spin off new variations of the iconic brand. However, many customers have been infuriated by the existence of a "thinner" Reese's Cup.

People's biggest complaint is a simple one: They want to fatter Reese's Cup, not a thinner one.

Hershey has been working to revamp some of its most beloved brands to boost sales.

In May, the company launched Reese's Outrageous, a chocolate bar stuffed with peanut butter, caramel, and Reese's Pieces. It is also set to start Hershey's with Reese's Pieces in Bar form in December.

But when it comes to Reese's Thins, many people just are not on board.

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