While the deer hunting season with Michigan guns is about to begin, hunters must remember not to eat deer collected within about five miles of Clark's Marsh in Oscoda Township. .

Michigan's deer hunting season starts on Thursday and ends on November 30th.

Last month, state officials issued an opinion on deer in the marsh because a deer caught in the area contained a hazardous chemical.

Lily: State: Do not eat deer in a part of Oscoda because of chemical contamination by the PFAS

The chemical is used in the fire-fighting foam used in the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base and in other Michigan sites.

State officials consider that 300 parts per billion of the chemical contained in meat or fish is dangerous and tests have revealed the presence of 547 parts per billion in a deer.

Consuming meat containing the chemical for long periods of time may increase the risk of cancer, thyroid disease and infertility.

New regulations on deer hunting are also in effect this season. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has introduced rule changes to slow the spread of the disease causing chronic deer decline.

Lily: State Approves Measures to End Chronic Debilitating Disease in Deer

The most important changes include:

  • Statewide ban of all attractants and natural baits based on cervid urine.
  • Ban on baiting and eating in Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Isabella, Jackson, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Ottawa and Shiawassee counties.
  • Prohibition of bait and food in the Lower Peninsula, effective January 31, 2019.

On Wednesday, the Michigan State Police released safety tips for hunters.

Among them:

  • Always tell someone where you will hunt and when you expect to return.
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks or psychotropic drugs before or during the hunt.
  • Always wear a hat, cap, vest, or hunter orange jacket.
  • Take a cell phone with you and make sure it is fully charged. Cell phones emit a signal that can help rescuers find you if you get lost.
  • Treat each weapon as if it were loaded.
  • Do not run, jump or climb with a loaded firearm. Unload a firearm before climbing a fence or tree or jumping by a ditch.
  • Keep your finger on the outside of the trigger guard and hold it down until you are ready to fire.
  • Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. Shoot a gun at you from behind, not through your muzzle.
  • Be certain of your target and what is beyond it, before shooting.
  • Know the identification features of the game you are chasing.
  • Make sure you have an adequate safety net – do not pull on a flat, hard surface or water.

[email protected]

Twitter: @CharlesERamirez

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