Regulators order stopping of self-driving school bus test


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has ordered the French transport company Transdev to stop testing an autonomous school bus in Florida, the BBC reported. NHTSA had given Transdev the green light to import its autonomous vehicle in March, but it had not given the company permission to use it as a school bus or to transport human passengers.

Heidi King, the deputy administrator of NHTSA, said in a statement: "The innovation should not be endangered for public safety. Using a non-conforming test vehicle to transport children is irresponsible, inappropriate and in direct violation of the terms of the Transdev approved test project. "

Transdev, for its part, believed that the prior approval of the pilot by NHTSA also implied that adults and children were allowed to drive in their vehicle, which operated at 8 mph, but reached a maximum speed of 30 mph. mi / h. After receiving the termination and discontinuance instructions from NHTSA, Transdev stopped the pilot a week earlier than expected and noted that "[the] small pilot operated safely, without any problem, in a highly controlled environment. "

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