Rejected by Trump on tariffs, companies mount coordinated pushing


WASHINGTON – They testified, tweeted, wrote and called with their concerns. Now, US companies, which have so far been unable to prevent President Trump from imposing radical tariffs, are making one last attempt to convince the president that his trade policy is undermining his political base.

In a multi-million dollar campaign that includes television commercials, rallies in targeted congressional districts and online persuasion efforts, businesses and corporate groups led by the National Retail Federation and a farmer group called Farmers for Free Trade highlight and state workers counting a large number of Trump supporters.

The effort, called Tariffs Hurt the Heartland, focuses primarily on the economic suffering that the manufacturers claim is inflicting on industries that Mr. Trump defends and that the country has brought to the White House. It includes nearly 90 industry groups, such as the Consumer Technology Association, the National Association of Wood Merchants and Building Materials and the Toys Association.

"We are obviously trying to reach the White House," said David French, Vice President of Government Relations, and we are trying to bring clear and unequivocal language to the White House. where the consequences of these tariffs will be felt ".

Apple, Ford and General Motors, as well as hundreds of small businesses, have all publicly warned Trump that his rates will hurt the very businesses he wants to protect, to the detriment of US jobs and economic growth.

Mr. Trump's answer: Do your business in the United States.

Trump has already imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from several countries and $ 50 billion worth of goods from China, a country he says violates international trade standards. The president is expected to proceed with a second round of tariffs on Chinese imports of $ 200 billion, and he said he was ready to move quickly to a third round that would include all Chinese imports, including many common household items. . clothing, electronic products and other consumer products. And he continued to threaten tariffs on cars imported from the European Union and Canada.

This has increased the stakes for US companies, who face higher costs for sourcing materials and products overseas and retaliation from other countries, making it harder to sell in markets. foreigners.

Business owners have found good ears among lawmakers and the White House, but little action, which has led to a more coordinated effort to try to show how fares are affecting US consumers and businesses.

"Our goal is to talk about this," said Brian Dodge, executive vice president of the Retail Industry Leaders Association, "and to ensure that no one thinks tariffs are something that other countries pay.

The coalition includes small business owners like Vivian R. Sayward, who owns Vivacity Sportswear, a sportswear manufacturer from the San Diego Conservative, and who has been frustrated by Congress inaction. During a recent visit to Capitol Hill, Ms. Sayward wore clothes made in the United States by her company, but stitched with Dryflex fabric imported from China. She used her equipment as a teaching tool, informing lawmakers and staff members of the provenance of each wire and zipper, and warned that a new wave of tariffs on imported products would make clothes much more expensive.

The reaction to the visit by members of Congress and their associates, according to Ms. Sayward, was: "We hear you, we understand, but we can not do anything for the moment."

"It was frustrating, of course," she said. "It's easy to say that about Washington. But we are on the ground.

Tiffany Zarfas Williams, a third-generation owner of the Luggage Shop in Lubbock, Texas, said she was also greeted with a warm welcome when she flew to Washington to urge lawmakers to reject the rates. The measures, she says, would force price increases on at least 85% of items in her store just before the holiday season begins.

"I could not feel if lawmakers – if they did not understand how it was going to affect consumers, or if it was more difficult during an election year," she said.

Cedar Electronics, Illinois, which manufactures radar detectors, CB radios and other communications devices under brands such as Cobra, has warned that its tariffs could threaten its employment in its West Chester, Ohio plant. The factory imports Chinese components that have already been hit by customs duties and filed tariff exclusion demands with the US Trade Representative for products that she can not afford. To supply elsewhere.

"We are indeed penalized for bringing manufacturing back to the United States," said Christopher Cowger, Cedar 's President and CEO, adding that it was difficult to convince Trump' s administration of the fact that it was "hard to beat. hear this complaint.

"There does not seem to be any real road to success," said Cowger, whose company joined the campaign. "In the meantime, it's about finding so many platforms, forums and chairs to tell our story."

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