Remains of dozens of fetuses removed from Detroit Funeral Home


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A funeral home in Detroit was closed after police discovered Friday the remains of many poorly stored fetuses, officials said.

Police found three unrefrigerated boxes containing "36 dead bodies of fetuses or infants and a freezer containing an unknown number of dead bodies" at the Perry Funeral Home, according to a press release from the Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department ( LARA).

The funeral home license and that of its director, Gary Deak, have since been suspended.

Deak did not immediately respond to a request for comment submitted by NBC News.

However, the Detroit Free Press reported that 27 other remains were found in freezers, 63 remains of fetuses found in the funeral home.

Some of the remains date back to 2015, according to LARA, who described the funeral home as being "in odious conditions and careless behavior".

Perry Funeral Home has also failed to certify and file death certificates for fetal and infant bodies within 72 hours of death, according to LARA. In some cases, the embalmed house remains without the knowledge or without the consent of families, said the department.

Detroit police chief James Craig said at a press conference that the department had been made aware about the funeral home after a parent involved in a civil lawsuit for the ### His daughter's inappropriate burial had seen another story that fetuses had been improperly stored home in Detroit.

"It's because of the first story involving Cantrell that the second problem appeared," Craig said.

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