Remarks by Vice President Pence at the APEC Leaders Summit 2018 | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


Theater of the Pacific Explorer
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

12:25 pm PGT

Thank you Scott. And thank you all for this warm welcome. Prime Minister O. Neill, President Taureka, representatives of the region, business leaders and all our distinguished guests, it is an honor for me to join you in the "premier Economic Forum "in the Indo-Pacific: Congress 2018 Summit of APEC Leaders. Thank you all for being here. (Applause.)

Last year at this forum, President Donald Trump outlined the US vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific, where, in his words, "sovereign and independent nations, endowed with cultures and dreams different, [could] prosper side by side and prosper in freedom and peace. "

And President Trump personally sent me here today, a year later, to report on our progress in achieving that vision. Overall, we have taken decisive action and the US commitment to the Indo-Pacific has never been stronger. (Applause.)

The Indo-Pacific encompasses more than half of the Earth's surface and more than half of the human family. Two-thirds of global trade takes place here, and its economic potential and strategic importance are growing day by day.

To unlock the unlimited possibilities of the region, President Trump promised last year to pursue "solid trade relations based on the principles of equity and reciprocity". And from South Korea to Mexico to Canada, we have entered into new historic trade agreements, and more. are on the way.

He promised to give the Indo-Pacific countries a better option to support infrastructure projects, by "reforming our development finance institutions". And today, the United States has more than doubled our funding capacity to $ 60 billion.

The President also promised to build stronger partnerships to ensure our shared security. And this year, we have provided the Indo-Pacific with more foreign military funding than the previous three years combined.

The president promised to "face serious threats to security." And we have joined our allies and partners in the region to defend their sovereignty, eliminate terrorists and bring North Korea to the negotiating table.

And last year at this forum, President Trum recommended "always prioritize America" ​​and revive the US economy. And our actions led to growth in our country which also benefited Indo-Pacific countries.

Under President Trump's leadership in the United States, we have lowered regulation at a record pace. We released American energy and adopted the largest tax cuts and reforms in US history.

The results have been remarkable: 4.5 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment rate in half a century in our country and more Americans are working today than ever before in the US. American history. We are on track to achieve the fastest growth in almost 15 years. And after 10 years, the United States is once again recognized as the most competitive economy in the world.

And as I said, US growth is driving global prosperity right here in the Indo-Pacific. Over the past two years, US companies have announced more than 1,500 new projects and more than $ 61 billion in new investments in this region. Total US investment in the Indo-Pacific now stands at more than $ 1.4 trillion – more than the combined investments of China, Japan and South Korea. And US investments in the Indo-Pacific will only continue to increase.

The renewed economic growth of the United States is vital to our vision of the Indo-Pacific, where strong, independent nations are still growing stronger. And they become stronger together again. And that's what America has always wanted, going back to the early days of our country.

Our history in the Indo-Pacific is a story of trade and commerce – it began over two centuries ago with the Empress of China, a ship that left New York to cross the border. Indian Ocean and the Pacific, to reach Canton, where he was doing American Ginseng trade for Chinese tea and china.

Throughout our history, it has been a story of friendship and partnership – of time-bound ties to each country – east, north, west and south – including five of our most cherished treaty alliances.

It is a story of strength and a story of sacrifice – the bravest people of our country standing side by side with many of you to fend off the floods of imperialism and communism, from the Coral Sea to the landing of Incheon, passing by countless hills, beaches and jungles. enter.

And it's a story of progress in the Indo-Pacific – our country is working hand in hand with all of yours to elevate our citizens and pave the way for a new era of opportunity for all. In this region, hundreds of millions of people have emerged from poverty. innovation and the spirit of enterprise have accelerated; dictatorships have fallen and democracies have taken their place; and citizens stood up to claim their future and reaffirm their independence, from Malaysia to the Maldives.

As we gather at APEC, we are writing the most recent chapter of our progress and guided by our vision.

As President Trump described last year, the United States is seeking a free Indo-Pacific in which independent nations boldly defend their own interests, respecting their neighbors as equals. where societies, beliefs and traditions flourish side by side; where individuals exercise their freedom given by God to pursue their dreams and chart their destiny.

The United States is also looking for an open Indo-Pacific, where trade and culture flow freely; where seas and skies are accessible to all for peaceful purposes; where disputes are resolved without conflict or coercion; where nations trade with one another, collecting as much as they give; and where we are preparing for a future of infinite possibilities for all who live in this region.

I know that this vision is shared by the vast majority of countries in the Indo-Pacific region. It does not exclude any nation and, from the western shores of Latin America to the confines of the Indian Ocean, the United States has reached out in a spirit of friendship and partnership, seeking collaboration, not control. In all that we do, we work tirelessly to advance our shared prosperity, strengthen our common security and defend our common principles.

Trade is of course central to our interests in the region. And as the President said last year, the United States will, in its words, "conclude bilateral trade agreements with any Indo-Pacific country that wants to be our partner and that will abide by the principles of fair and reciprocal trade ".

Beyond the agreements I have already mentioned, the United States will soon begin negotiations on a trade agreement with the world's third largest economy, Japan. I am also pleased to announce that America is already in discussion for another trade agreement with another APEC member – and we are just getting started.

And even though we have new agreements, we have also resisted countries that use unfair trade practices. Just look at the position President Trump has taken in our trade relations with China.

As President Trump said just a few hours ago in the Oval Office, we have "a great respect for President Xi … [and] Great respect for China. But, in the words of the president, "China has benefited from the United States for many, many years." And those days are over.

As the president added, China has "huge hurdles"; they have "huge tariffs"; and, as we all know, their country is committed to quotas, forced technology transfers, intellectual property theft and unprecedented industrial subsidies. These actions actually contributed to a $ 375 billion good business deficit with the United States last year alone. But as the president said today, "everything has changed now."

We have taken decisive action to remedy our trade imbalance with China. We have imposed tariffs of $ 250 billion on Chinese products and we could more than double that number. But we hope better. The United States, however, will not change course as long as China has not changed its behavior.

Beyond trade, the United States encourages more than ever private investment in the Indo-Pacific. At the present time, US companies hire and train your workers, and meet the highest standards. They do not serve a distant capital; they bring benefits directly to your country. And you do not need to look any further than Papua New Guinea to prove the crucial importance and benefits of US investments.

For example: ExxonMobil has already invested more than $ 19 billion in this country, is building more than 450 km of pipeline – (applause) – and is creating more than 2,600 jobs here in Papua New Guinea. (Applause.) And the vast majority of them are local recruits. Now, ExxonMobil, we learned, intends to double the capacity of its plant here in Port Moresby, with another multi-billion dollar investment. And tomorrow, I look forward to joining many of our region's allies and partners in announcing a historic initiative that will transform the future of Papua New Guinea. (Applause.)

But American investment does not only grow here, it rises throughout the Indo-Pacific. Our companies are building power plants in Bangladesh and developing digital connectivity in Nepal. They are building solar panels in Vietnam and innovation centers in Singapore, shaping Peru's energy infrastructure and developing health services in Chile. And they install and maintain undersea cables to connect the many countries of the South Pacific with the United States and the rest of the world.

And the United States is taking steps to boost investment in digital connectivity in particular. This week, we created the Smart Cities Partnership between the United States and ASEAN to strengthen Southeast Asia's e-economy and bring the skills of US businesses to the digital needs of the region. As we pursue similar projects in the coming days, I can assure you that we will continue to hold firm to our belief that a free and open Indo-Pacific also deserves a free and open Internet. (Applause.)

With this renewed commitment to financing development, we are also making infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific a top priority – from roads to railways, from ports to pipelines, from airports to data lines. And the United States has a principled approach that contrasts sharply with other nations.

At this very moment, we all know, some are providing infrastructure loans to Indo-Pacific governments and the world. Yet the terms of these loans are often at best opaque. The projects they support are often unsustainable and of poor quality. And all too often, they come with constraints and lead to a staggering debt. (Applause.)

Shortly after our war of independence, the first president of my country, George Washington, warned of the dangers that could compromise everything we had accomplished: debt and foreign interference. And so today, let me say to all the nations of this wider region and the whole world: Do not accept any external debt that could compromise your sovereignty. Protect your interests. Keep your independence. And, just like America, always have your country go first. (Applause.)

Know that the United States offers a better option. We are not drowning our partners in an ocean of debt. We do not constrain or compromise your independence. The United States deals openly, fairly. We do not offer a constriction belt or a one-way street. When you join us, we collaborate with you and we all prosper.

While our continued investment in prosperity in this region has been immense, the United States has also continued to stand alongside like-minded nations to ensure security and peace throughout the world. ; Indo-Pacific.

You know, it is remarkable to think that when the president spoke to you last year, the biggest threat to the Indo-Pacific was the North Korean regime. We all remember that time: nuclear tests, missiles flying over Japan, war of words and provocations.

Faced with this threat, the United States mobilized the world to launch an unprecedented pressure campaign. And as the world has seen at President Trump's historic summit with President Kim in Singapore in June, our collective determination has borne fruit. No more tests. More missiles. Our hostages are at home. And the hope of peace on the Korean peninsula is alive again.

As we speak, the United States is preparing another summit between President Trump and President Kim. All nations must continue to stand together, to implement all United Nations Security Council resolutions and to keep North Korea in line with the commitments made in the Singapore Declaration – and we will do so too.

We must be vigilant and determined to realize the final and fully verified denuclearization of North Korea. We owe it to our children to guarantee lasting peace to the Korean people, we owe it to the Indo-Pacific and the world. (Applause.)

And as President Trump made clear last year, the United States will also remain vigilant against other threats to the region – criminal cartels, drug traffickers, drug traffickers and drug traffickers. Human beings and cybercriminals. To that end, we will continue to expand our military, intelligence and law enforcement collaboration in the region.

We will continue to work with our allies and partners to overcome the threat of extremism. After ISIS-inspired terrorists went on the rampage in the Philippines last year, the United States joined our ally in freeing the city of Marawi. We will never allow radical Islamist terrorists to gain a foothold in the Indo-Pacific.

We will also continue to stand up for our allies and partners to protect our land, maritime and digital borders. This week, I had the privilege of announcing a new partnership between the United States and Singapore to strengthen the digital defense of the 10 ASEAN countries.

We are also forging new and renewed security partnerships, as shown by our recent trilateral naval exercises with India and Japan. And today, I have the privilege of announcing that the United States will join Papua New Guinea and Australia as part of their joint initiative at the Lombrum naval base on the United States. Manus Island. (Applause.) We will also work with these countries to protect the sovereignty and maritime rights of the Pacific Islands.

And you can be confident: the United States of America will continue to defend the freedom of the seas and the sky, which are so vital to our prosperity. We will continue to fly and sail wherever permitted by international law and where our national interests so require. harassment will only strengthen our resolve. We will not change course. And we will continue to support the efforts within ASEAN to adopt a valid and binding code of conduct that respects the rights of all nations, including the freedom of navigation, in the China Sea. Southern. (Applause.)

Finally, as President Trump made clear last year, we will also "defend the principles that have benefited everyone" over the generations. The United States is working as we speak to promote civil society, the rule of law, and transparent and accountable government across the region. These are the foundations of progress and they are the ramparts of independence.

Today, I am also privileged to announce our new Indo-Pacific Transparency Initiative. Together with US funding of more than $ 400 million, this program will help empower the citizens of the region, fight corruption and strengthen sovereignty. And it is our honor to launch this program. (Applause.)

All the inhabitants of the Indo-Pacific deserve to live in flourishing homelands. And governments that are accountable to their citizens are better partners for us all, including the United States.

As the President said at the APEC meeting last November, the United States will still be apologetic for their individual rights. Since the founding of the United States, our country has adopted the principle that all are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. Americans believe in freedom of expression, private property, and freedom of religion. And we will continue to support those who aspire to these freedoms throughout the Indo-Pacific and the world.

We do this because it's right. We do it because it is in the interest of all. The truth is that governments who deny the rights of their people too often violate the rights of their neighbors. Authoritarianism and aggression have no place in the Indo-Pacific. (Applause.)

In the coming days, the United States will continue to give priority to America, because all the countries represented here have a duty to put the interests of your people first. But I hope, by my remarks today and by the leadership of the President over the past year, that it is clear that America does not just mean America. We know that our prosperity, our security and our future are closely linked to yours.

The President has sent me here to demonstrate our continued commitment, not only to you all and to the region, but our continued commitment to APEC and its mission of promoting open markets; free, fair and reciprocal trade. This week's discussions on trade and digital services are important to the continued growth of the region and we are proud to support them. As I told ASEAN leaders earlier this week, ASEAN is at the center of our vision of the Indo-Pacific. And we are proud of our partnership with ASEAN – past, present and future. (Applause.)

The United States is getting closer to our allies every day. We are working with Japan to invest $ 10 billion in energy infrastructure in the region. We are now working with Japan and Australia to support a wide range of private development projects in the Indo-Pacific.

As the oldest democracy in the world, the United States is also related to the world's largest democracy, India. And our strategic partnership with India is a key part of our vision. As we speak, we are strengthening our security collaboration with our leading defense partner. We are strengthening our trade relations with India and defending our common values ​​throughout the region.

We have demonstrated our commitment to the Pacific Islands as never before by investing in infrastructure, cooperating in the fishing industry and signing new maritime treaties. Even the smallest nations are equal stakeholders in a free and open Indo-Pacific, and we are proud to be alongside each and every one of them. (Applause.)

As I appear before this distinguished group of business and public leaders, we are aware of the concern that competition between the United States and China is affecting many of you. It is feared that competition will harm the region economically or that developments in the South China Sea will only increase military tensions.

Let us be clear: the United States seeks to improve its relations with China on the basis of fairness, reciprocity and respect for sovereignty.

Our administration has well documented the difficulties that the United States and other countries are facing in Beijing. China knows where we are. But as President Trump has said, we want to "strengthen relations between our two countries and improve the lives of our citizens."

And as the President prepares to meet with President Xi at the G-20 Summit in Argentina, we are confident that progress could be made – progress could be made between our two countries, even if the United States remains in a position of strength.

Let us be clear: China has a place of choice in our vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific if it chooses to respect the sovereignty of its neighbors. embrace free, fair and reciprocal trade; defend human rights and freedom. The American people do not want anything; the Chinese people and the whole of the Indo-Pacific deserve nothing less.

Today, as in the past, the United States offered its partnership to the Indo-Pacific. Our commitment is unwavering and sustainable. Our intentions are proven by more than two centuries of good will. And our past is only the prelude to a future that we will be writing together, in cooperation and competition, as honest partners and faithful friends.

As an Indo-Pacific nation, the United States is proud to be part of this great story and we will continue to write new, confident and confident chapters – faith in those who live in this vast country, and the unlimited capacity of each individual to realize his dreams; trust in our most valuable principles and in the vision we share for this region of the world. And finally, I believe we start with the conviction that when we work for a free and open Indo-Pacific, we do not work alone.

I am told that not far from there, in the Papua New Guinea Parliament, is one of the national treasures of this country, a King James Bible, over 400 years old. (Applause.) Before arriving here, he passed through my home state, Indiana. It is reminiscent of the rich and diverse traditions of culture and faith that characterize this vast region of the world. And on that basis, I think we can be sure that our vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific will prevail. Because, as it is said in this old book, "where is the spirit of the Lord, there is freedom" (applause).

Thank you all for the honor of speaking to you and participating in this important gathering. We will forge a better and brighter future than anything we could ask or imagine. We are going to forge a future where nations, big and small, can prosper and prosper in the Indo-Pacific. And I believe with all my heart that we will forge this future together.

So, on behalf of President Trump and the American people, thank you for being here today. May God bless all the nations and peoples of the Indo-Pacific and bless the United States of America. (Applause.)

END 12:51 PM PGT

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