Remembrance Day 2018: Why do we wear red poppies in tribute to fallen soldiers?


Every year the British Legion sells red paper poppies to raise money for men and women.

The organization has done so every year since 1921, when it is suggested that the American religion be brought to the fore.

Michael took inspiration from the 1915 poem "In Flanders Fields" by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian doctor who had died in Ypres that May.

The poet himself saw the bright red wildflower as a symbol of hope amidst the carnage of modern warfare as it continued to grow when the fields were torn apart by shellfire and tank tracks.

In Flanders Fields The Poppies Blow

Between the sticks, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below …

If ye break with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Wilfred Owen, perhaps Britain's most admired war poet, also commented on the contrast between the beauty of the countryside and the gore of battle in his 1918 poem "Spring Offensive".

Common misconceptions about the lapel pin include that it is intended as an endorsement of war or that its color is intended to represent bloodshed.

White poppies, sold by the Peace Pledge Union since 1933, are also sometimes used as an expression of pacificism by those concerned about the red's co-option by nationalistic right-wing groups.

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For this year's centenary Armistice Day, many poppies have been used to build impressive installations at churches and statues around the country. The Tower of London is just one example.

The Imperial War Museum's "Weeping Window" display, the war horse in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral and the leaf-shaped messages hanging in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, are also particularly resonant.

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