Rep. Joe Crowley loses primary to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a new 28-year-old rookie


Meanwhile, another ally of Sanders, former NAACP leader Ben Jealous, won a crowded Democratic governorship in Maryland. And a second insurgent in New York came to a few percentage points of the Rep. Yvette Clark, D-N.Y., Who said a few days ago that she "laughs" at the challenge.

That made Tuesday a banner for the party's progressive wing, which had limited success in previous primaries.

Jealous has campaigned to legalize marijuana and establish a single payer health system in the state. He will face a tough battle in November against Governor Larry Hogan, a Republican yet extremely popular in the Blue State.

Ocasio-Cortez led a low-budget campaign and was overtaken by an 18-1 margin. She argued that Crowley had lost contact with his diverse district, both ideologically and demographically, and spending too much time in Washington.

"This race is about people versus money, we have people, they have money, it's time to recognize that not all democrats are the same," she said. in a biographical video published by his campaign.

Crowley quickly conceded the race and promised to support Ocasio-Cortez. "We will only be able to stop Donald Trump and the Republican Congress by working together as a United Democratic Party," he said in a statement.

President Donald Trump quickly evoked the defeat of his political opponent and his compatriot New York.

Crowley does not seem to feel the threat or give the alert and ask for help. The Ocasio-Cortez allies on the left were not expecting victory either, and she seemed stunned. an interview with NY1 immediately after she discovered that she won.

"It's the beginning of a movement, thank you" Ocasio-Cortez tweeted shortly after midnight Tuesday.

Image: Joseph Crowley, Ben Ray Lujan, Linda Sanchez
The Speaker of the House Democratic Caucus Joseph Crowley, DN.Y., seen at a press conference on Capitol Hill on February 7, 2018, suffered from a staggering left of a newcomer political who ran to his political left.Susan Walsh / AP file

The disappointment recalls the defeat of Eric Cantor, former leader of the Republican minority, to an opponent of the Tea Party in 2014, who sent reverberations for years.

Ocasio-Cortez was a community organizer in the Bronx and worked on Sanders' presidential campaign. She campaigned on progressive policies like Medicare for All and the Abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The 14th Congressional District of New York, which includes parts of Queens and the Bronx in New York, is one of the most democratic in the country, which means that Ocasio-Cortez is almost certain to surrender in Congress.

It is notoriously difficult to vote in New York primaries – it is the only state in the country that holds its primary in Congress and the governorship on different days – which, according to critics, aim to protect the incumbents. But low participation can also amplify the impact of a gap of enthusiasm between candidates.

Sanders congratulated Ocasio-Cortez in a tweet about his "extraordinary surprise victory tonight!" saying that she "once again demonstrated what progressive basic policy can do."

"Tonight, a star is born, and a political revolution is underway, starting here in New York," said Bill Lipton, director of the Progressive Working Families Party in New York. "Every political leader in America should pay attention to what happened tonight in Queens and the Bronx. "

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