Rep. Tulsi Gabbard eviscerates Trump as "bitch of Saudi Arabia"


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By Adam Edelman

Tulsi Gabbard's representative on Wednesday called President Donald Trump "salad of Saudi Arabia" in the latest scathing criticism of the commander's extraordinary declaration this week to stand alongside the country's leaders despite the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The member of the Democratic Congress of Hawaii made these remarks in a short and punchy tweet Wednesday afternoon.

"Hey @realdonaldtrump: Being the bitch of Saudi Arabia, it's not "America First," wrote Gabbard, a 37-year-old veteran of the Iraq war, repeatedly considered a rising star of his party.

The tweet apparently referred to Trump's official presidential statement that his government would not take any action against Saudi leaders over the killing of Khashoggi – despite reports last week by NBC News and the CIA that the prince Saudi heir Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of Khashoggi.

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