Report: Joe Perry from Aerosmith rushed to the hospital after playing with Billy Joel


Report: JOE PERRY of AEROSMITH rushes to the hospital after playing with BILLY JOEL

According to TMZ, AEROSMITH guitarist Joe Perry was rushed to hospital on Saturday night (November 10th) after playing with Billy Joel At New York.

Perry had just finished playing "Take this path" with Joel at Madison Square Garden and went back to his lodge. A source related to the concert told the tabloid website that Joe collapsed and "looked terrible."

Paramedics rushed to the scene and worked for about 40 minutes on this 68-year-old man. A trachea was put in the throat to clear the passage of the air and an eyewitness told the site "Joe did not look handsome. The ambulance staff then placed the guitarist on a stretcher, gave him oxygen and took him to the hospital.

JoeThe state of the disease remains unknown and its representatives did not immediately respond to a request. New York Daily News request for comment.

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Perry is scheduled to begin a solo tour on November 30 to support his latest solo album, "Manifesto of the Basque Country".

Back in July 2016, Perry collapsed on stage mid-song during a HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES concert in Brooklyn. He was later hospitalized because of the spread of rumors of cardiac arrest. Sources later said that a "combination of dehydration and burnout" was to blame.

"I've certainly had a few other cases where I put myself to a hard test, but never so publicly, you know?" Joe say it Boston Globe earlier this year. "Certainly, we see more and more people passing from one thing or another, that it is age or abuse. I do not want to be on this list, so I learned a lot, but also, frankly, I rediscovered the guitar, you know, a lot of things that I took for granted and that I I left in this long and varied career, I returned.

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