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By the Agence France-Presse

President Donald Trump remains focused on reducing US trade deficits with key economic partners, and Japan may be the next target, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

US President Donald Trump makes a gesture when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe smiles at the Oval Office of the White House in June; Trump has set his sights on Japan

US President Donald Trump makes a gesture when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe smiles at the Oval Office of the White House in June; According to a columnist (AFP Photo / Nicholas Kamm / MANILA BULLETIN), Trump aims to "pay" Japan for its trade surplus with the United States.

While trade disputes are in full swing with China and have not yet been resolved with the European Union, Canada and Mexico, Trump now seems to be trying to "pay" Japan, according to the column.

Trump called James Freeman, deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page, to thank him for his positive comments on Trump's economy and policies, and remained focused on the gap between exports and imports. .

"It seems that he's still bothered by the terms of US trade with Japan," Freeman wrote. Mr. Trump described his good relations with Japanese leaders, but then added, "Of course, that will end as soon as I tell them how much they have to pay."

Last year, the United States had a $ 56.6 billion deficit with Japan, but a $ 13.4 billion surplus.

And while Freeman noted, like many economists, that trade deficits are often a sign of a "thriving economy like the one we have today … the president sees a problem."

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