Report: NBA, NBPA: one-to-one interviews are at stake – Basketball


The "one-and-done" rule, which requires players to be dismissed for one year from their
high school graduates, came into effect in 2005.

Silver would like to make sure that the agents representing the players to come
outside high school, provide medical records of their clients to all NBA teams
– not just the teams they want their customers to land with.

The league also wants players to take part in the preliminary screening campaign.

Silver negotiates with NBPA CEO Michele Roberts to change
the collective agreement that the parties concluded in 2016.

"We are investing millions of dollars in players for whom we will have even less
information about leaving high school, and we should have the right to
have all the information available about who we select ", an anonymous
General Manager was quoted as saying by ESPN.

Officers hope Roberts will hold out, suggesting access to medical care
information is the only means available to actors in the writing process.

"Some organizations work better than others," an agent said. "A lot of
the success comes from a player who enters the right situation right
time. If I can do something that influences this, why should I give up that? "

– Media level field

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