Report: Oregon needs a separate body to regulate the pot, the current monitoring is inadequate


Oregon needs an independent state agency to regulate marijuana rather than relying on three disparate bodies, according to a draft recommendation prepared by the Oregon Cannabis Commission. .

The state must "provide a unified and consistent vision of cannabis regulation," the report says. The cannabis commission is part of the Oregon Health Authority.

At present, marijuana is regulated by three agencies – the OHA, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission and the Oregon Department of Agriculture – whose powers and responsibilities go far beyond the areas of health public, alcohol and crops.

Keeping the pot under one roof makes sense, "said Beau Whitney, senior economist at New Frontier Data, a cannabis testing company based in Washington, DC.

Confusion has appeared in the past around who the jurisdiction of the enforcement, be it the police or the various agencies, said Whitney. "In that sense, it would simplify things a bit from the point of view of law enforcement."

The draft report, obtained by the Statesman Journal as a result of a request for registration of public documents, described the problems arising from the multiplicity of marijuana monitoring agencies. "Each supervisory agency has its own mission and mandate, and sees cannabis in its own light," says the project.

"This inconsistent vision and overlapping of tasks creates a risk of conflict."

In addition, law enforcement officials and producers have found the multi-agency approach "confusing and difficult to navigate," says the project.

The lines regarding who is responsible for what have changed over time. In a recent example, as of July 1, some drug producers have been forced to use the OLCC's cannabis tracking system, which recreational licensees also use.

In order to facilitate the tracking of marijuana for medical purposes, the CLOSC announced in August its intention to claim $ 7 million per biennium from the 2019 legislature for the recreational pot tax.

On Monday, OLCC spokesman Mark Pettinger said he had heard about the new agency's recommendation, but that it was "not our business to comment on".

The Cannabis Commission was formed by the 2017 Legislature under the House of Representatives Bill of Oregon Health & Science University Bill 2198, Professor Esther Choo, who chairs the Cannabis Commission, referred questions to the OHA.

OHA spokesman Jonathan Modie pointed out that the recommendation was still in the draft stage. "No decision has been made," he said.

The next Cannabis Commission meeting will be held on November 27 by teleconference to discuss the recommendations included in the draft report.

"At that point, the commission should discuss its recommendation and vote on it," Modie said. "If approved, it will be included in the report that the commission will have to provide to the interim committee of the legislature on health and the judiciary."

Jim Moore, professor of political science at Pacific University, said the political viability of the proposal was good. He added that such proposals usually occur when an audit reveals problems.

"It seems to be more spontaneous," Moore said. "I think he'll have good political support."

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