Representative Keith Ellison is running out of time to become Minnesota Attorney General, says new poll


Representative Keith Ellison (D), candidate for the Minnesota Attorney General, speaks to volunteers and campaign supporters in Minneapolis last year. (Alex Kormann / AP)

Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) Has fallen behind in his bid to become Minnesota Attorney General, reveals a new poll.

Republican Doug Wardlow heads Ellison, a six-term congressman and vice president of the Democratic National Committee, between 43 percent and 36 percent, according to Minnesota's Star Tribune / MPR News survey.

The poll shows that support for Ellison is eroding more and more so that he has been accused of abuse by a former girlfriend. Ellison, one of the most liberal members of Congress, vigorously denied the allegations.

In a September poll, Ellison was head of Wardlow, a lawyer who had spent a term at Minnesota House, between 41% and 36%.

According to the current survey, about one in six voters remains undecided before the November 6 elections.

The survey of 800 potential voters took place from October 15 to October 17 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

It largely unfolded before documents related to Ellison's 2012 divorce record were made public despite his objections.

The documents did not contain any allegation that Ellison abused his ex-wife. However, they contained a 2015 statement in which he stated that she had hit him throughout their 25 years of marriage.

Ellison, a leading supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (IV-S.) At the 2016 presidential race and second in the DNC presidential race last year, took part in the prosecutor's race General in June deposit.

He pledged to be "the advocate of the people, to hold those responsible accountable, and to protect and defend all the people of Minnesota".

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