Representative Soros: Fox News refuses to follow me


The head of the billionaire philanthropist group George Soros said Sunday that Fox News refused to have him on his network.

Patrick Gaspard, president of the Open Society Foundations of Soros, told CNN Brian Stelter of Reliable Sources, which he asked to join the conservative network in response to frequent reports on Soros.

"Fox News has had the opportunity to bring us to refute some of the most outrageous claims that are made, and they refuse to forward us," Gaspard said.

The Hill has contacted Fox News for comments.

President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump calls Gillum "uneducated" to become governor of Florida. Mid-term issues for Silicon Valley Republicans are strained on pre-existing conditions and his supporters have put forward in recent weeks the theory that Soros, who is Jewish or someone close to him, is financing the caravan of Central American migrants heading for the United States.

Fox Business Network's Chris Farrell, head of Judicial Watch, has dropped his guest appearing on Fox Business Network or Fox News after advancing the theory.

Farrell, who contributed to The Hill, commented on "Lou Dobbs Tonight" last week.

"This is a criminal implication on the part of these leftist crowds. It's a sophisticated, highly organized and elaborate operation, "Farrell said of the caravan. "I have since from the highest levels of the Guatemalan government."

"Many of these people also have affiliates who receive money from the Soros-occupied state department, and this is a very big concern," he continued.

The footage was aired shortly after the discovery of an explosive device in the mailbox of the home of Soros, in Westchester County, New York State, in a series of suspicious packages sent by mail to renowned democrats.

Gaspard said it was "demoralizing, but not crippling" to argue theories of the Soros plot on Fox News.

He told Stelter that he "congratulated" Fox for denouncing the guests' comments, but said two Republican members of Congress had made similar statements on the network in recent weeks.

representative Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) GaetzTrump: "I would not be surprised if Soros paid the migrant caravan DeSantis claimed that Gillum would appoint" Soros-backed "activists if the elected governor, Fox Business, dropped the guest who blamed the caravan migrants to "the state occupied by Soros" & # 39; (R-Fla.) Stated that he had "reason to believe" that Soros was paying the migrants. representative Louie GohmertLouis (Louie) Buller GohmertHouse: Conservatives want an ethical inquiry into the treatment of Kavanaugh's accusations by Dems Hillicon Valley: state officials share concerns over privacy of technical information with sessions | Senator Says Election Security Bill Will Not Pass Before Mid-Session | The co-founders of Instagram leave Facebook | Google Leader Meets GOP Lawmakers About Allegations of Trump Bias: "False Media" Not Addressed When Obama Declared "57 States" in 2008 MORE (R-Texas) said "can not help but think the Democrats, maybe Soros, could fund" the caravan, CNN reported.

"I'm calling Gohmert, I'm calling Gaetz, and I'm calling Fox producers who do not create space for an honest and thoughtful discussion," he said.

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