Representative Steve King falls on the man who questions his white supremacist rhetoric


Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) was so upset by a question about his white supremacist rhetoric that he asked security to remove his interlocutor at a forum of candidates held Thursday in his country of origin.

The unidentified man compared King's earlier comments with those made on the Internet by Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers, an anti-Semitic who spoke out against non-white refugees as "invaders." hostile ".

"You, Steve King, reportedly said," We can not restore our civilization with the babies of other people, "said the man, referring to a tweet from March 2017." You and the shooter share an anti-immigration ideology – "

"No," King said. "Do not associate me with this shooter."

The exchange was filmed by Iowa Starting Line, a website devoted to political news in the state. Complaining of "left-wing media lies", King too shared the video with his Twitter followers.

"I knew you were an ambusphere when you walked into the room," King told the man.

When King said that this comparison was "unfounded," the questioner responded by asking "what distinguishes" the Congressman's rhetoric from that of Bowers.

"It is not tolerable to accuse me of being associated with a guy who killed 11 people in Pittsburgh," King replied, adding that he supported Israel. He did not answer the question.

"Stop!" King said forcefully when the man asked bluntly if the legislator identified himself as a white supremacist. "You have finished."

The congressman, who is in a tight race for reelection, asked "the one who keeps" the door to escort the man from the forum, but the man got up and left without further incident.

Since the Saturday massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in a Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh, King has consistently lost the support of his donors and members of his own party. The shooter reportedly shouted, "All Jews must die!" Before opening fire, killing 11 adults and injuring six others, including three police officers.

Although the eight-year-old congressman has been a fiery anti-immigrant man for years, he has amplified his rhetoric over the last few months to include the retweet of known white supremacists and the support of his family. a white Canadian nationalist politician.

King also showed that he spoke fluent white nationalist speeches during an interview granted in August to a far right publication in Austria. There, King repeated his argument of "someone else's baby" while speaking with fear of declining fertility rates in the West and his belief that Muslim and Latino immigrants posed a threat to the states. United States and Europe.

J.D. Scholten, his Democratic opponent in the upcoming mid-term elections, has saw a spike in campaign donationswith $ 350,000 from 7,500 donors over 24 hours this week.

Both candidates are neck and neck in the polls.

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