Republican Paul Gosar own brothers and sisters in the Democratic advertising campaign | News | DW


The Republican representative of Arizona's brothers and sisters, Paul Gosar, denounced the views of his brothers and approved his rival in a video campaign launched Thursday by Democratic candidate David Brill.

The announcements show that six of the Conservatives' Conservative brothers and sisters condemn their brother's position on issues such as immigration, the environment and health and pledge their support to Brill, who hopes to overthrow Gosar in the fourth district of the country. Phoenix New Times reported.

The Brill campaign revealed ads during a fundraiser held at First Studio in Phoenix on Thursday night.

Gosar is one of the biggest supporters of President Donald Trump, but his siblings do not seem to share his political views.

One of his brothers, Pete Gosar, has been named as Wyoming's Democratic Governor in 2014, after seeking the Democratic nomination in vain four years earlier.

"Not who we are"

In an advertisement titled "A family defends its honor," Gosar's brother, David, said, "We must defend our reputation, that's not what we are."

According to another video, Gosar's sister, Grace, "would be hard to see my brother as a racist," according to the newspaper. Phoenix New Times.

"If he really cared about the rural inhabitants of Arizona, I bet he would be fighting for social security, for better access to health care." he would seek the most effective water policy to help the environment in Arizona. " to be successful, "said another sister, Jennifer.

David Gosar told the Phoenix New Times that the Arizonans would do a favor to their family when they sent Gosar home, referring to what he said were his brother's strange statements and his mutilated language. ". "He just does not look good," he added.

The idea behind the video campaign was born after a Brill campaign staff member, Jay Ruby, Gosar's brother, dubbed cold, saw some of his Twitter posts criticizing his brother, the Phoenix New Times reported.

Shortly after, several Gosar brothers and sisters made financial donations to the Brill campaign, said campaign director Todd Landfried.

Not the first time

This is not the first time that some of Gosar's nine brothers and sisters have come together to denounce their brother.

When Gosar suggested in an interview with Vice News that the White Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville was an event organized by an "Obama sympathizer" and funded by the American-Hungarian George Soros, seven of his brothers published a letter on the local Arizona website. the Daily Miner.

Read more: George Soros – disinterested philanthropist or liberal demagogue?

"It's not our family values ​​or the values ​​of the small town of Wyoming where we grew up," he added. "The assassination of characters has not been revered but the lies and distortions reveal a lot about the character of the 4th congressional congressman of Arizona," he said. pursued.

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