Republican wins right to replace Farenthold in Congress


Electors from an exurban and rural conservative Texas camp on Saturday sent a member of the local Republican Party to Congress to replace the outgoing president. Blake Farenthold Randolph (Blake) Blake FarentholdSuper Supreme Senators introduce bill to reform sexual harassment policy Freedom Caucus bruised but not involved in GOP PLUS primary fighting [19659003] (R), who resigned after multiple allegations of sexual harassment and disruptive behavior. 19659006] With 89% of the constituencies, Republican Michael Cloud led the pack of nine candidates with 54.2% of the vote. The Associated Press projected that Cloud would win more than half of the vote, enough to avoid a second round and serve the rest of Farenthold's term.

Cloud is a member of the Central Committee of the Texas Republican Party, and a former president of the Victoria County Republican Party. He owns a small media production and public relations company.

Next month – once Congress returns from his leave 4 July – he will be a member of Congress.

The 27th district of Texas, Hispanic territory with Hispanic majority long represented by the Hispanic centrist Solomon Ortiz. (D), toppled parties when Farenthold won the election during the 2010 GOP wave.

Two years later Republicans redesigned the district to favor Farenthold. It now extends from El Campo, a remote suburb of Houston, west of Lockhart, near San Antonio, and south along the Gulf Coast to its population center, Corpus Christi.

Farenthold, won his last two reelection offers with over 60% of the votes. Trump President Donald John TrumpMike Huckabee: If Trump appointed Moses to Supreme Court Dems would still be unfortunate trump administrator likely to detain migrant families for months during immigration proceedings: ICE Chief Report to the protesters: We are not the ones who separate the families MORE and Mitt Romney Willard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance – Expensive and brutal: Inside the Supreme Court in America really dead? The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance – A dramatic battle threat after the retirement of Kennedy MORE earned 60% of the votes in the district in the 2016 presidential elections and 2012.

Farenthold do not stand out in Congress, except perhaps for pictures where he appears in duck pajamas next to a barely-dressed woman who was not his wife, a year before his election to Congress.

Farenthold was sued by his former director of communications. 2014 for creating what the staff calls a hostile work environment and for sexual harassment. Farenthold used taxpayers' money to settle this lawsuit for $ 84,000 – the money he's committed to repaying before reversing it.

Farenthold resigned abruptly in April, without major legislative achievement to his name, to take a job as a lobbyist for the Calhoun Port Authority, in his former district.

A local newspaper sued the port authority, claiming it was violating

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), who was required by law to hold a special election to fulfill Farenthold's mandate, asked the ex-congressman to pay for election which will cost Texas counties money-hungry hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Farenthold refused to pay for the special election he instigated.

– Updated 22:10

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