Republican wins the Texas special election for the seat of the House


Texas voters went to the polls on Saturday to replace Blake Farenthold, a Republican congressman who resigned in April after allegations of sexual harassment. (Susan Walsh / AP)

Republican Michael Cloud will become the new Congressman after winning a special election in Texas on Saturday to replace a GOP congressman who resigned for sexual harassment.

who fought to represent the 27th district, a highly conservative zone along the Gulf Coast that President Trump won of about 24 points in 2016.

With 63% of the votes, the # 39 Associated Press projected Cloud as winner, wearing 54

He introduced himself as a conservative Christian and a fervent supporter of Trump, supporting his calls for the construction of a border wall and adopting the mantra from the President "empty the swamp". Republican Governor Greg Abbott and former MP Ron Paul came forward in the cloud.

The 27th District seat was owned by Republican Blake Farenthold, who resigned in April after allegations of sexually harassing female staff members. . After promising to repay $ 84,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment complaint, Farenthold gave up his pledge.

Cloud, former president of the GOP of Victoria County, will serve the remainder of Farenthold's term, which expires in early January. He also runs for a full two-year term in November. Saturday's result gives Cloud the advantage of being in a position in this contest.

Both parties were waiting for the result of Saturday's vote for new clues about the mood of the electorate, with about four months before the mid-term elections. Trump's unpopularity has raised the prospect of a democratic takeover of Congress.

In other recent special elections, Democrats have called for some startling victories over conservative turf, alarming Republicans. The GOP was already preparing for a difficult year as, historically, the President's party has not been successful in its first mid-term elections.

The nine candidates appeared on the same ballot.

Along with Cloud, two more Republicans appeared on the ballot, including Bech Bruun, former president of the Texas Water Development Board, who approved Cloud

. including Eric Holguin, Cloud's opponent in the November elections, which was second. If he won in November, Holguin would be the first openly gay Hispanic man in Congress

Two Independents and a Libertarian candidate also participated in Saturday's special elections

Democrats must get 23 seats in November to take control . Non-partisan analysts do not believe that non-partisan analysts are competitive in the fall.

But the special elections will slightly alter the balance of power in the House this year. Republicans maintained an advantage from 235 to 193 before the day

Abbott set the special election in April. He said it was imperative to fill the siege quickly because the region was still recovering from Hurricane Harvey and relied heavily on congressional representation.

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