Republicans hold a financial advantage before the last stage of their journey at mid-term


The fundraising reports for Future45 indicate that he has collected less than $ 105,000 between the beginning of 2017 and the end of last month. But he seems to have received a late influx of money, as he has announced spending more than $ 4 million this month on a nationwide advertising campaign.

His advertisement claims that "voting for any democrat" will empower "the far left to socialism, undefended open borders, immediate tax increases, 100% government-run health care", as well as as "screams, violence, smears and violence". "Death threats" from angry crowds.

"Most strategists will say that if you are the party in power midway, you have to locate," acknowledged Mr. Baker. "But this is already a national election, and rather than moving away from it, we adopt it and try to expose the extreme elements of the Democratic Party and what they would do if they won the majority."

At least some of the major Republican donors seem to subscribe to the topics discussed by Mr Trump and the favorable super-PACs in an attempt to nationalize the race.

"These attacks on free enterprise and the idea that we want to move to socialism, which has failed through history, scare me," said Frank VanderSloot, owner of Melaleuca, a company's products company. health and home based in Idaho. The company donated $ 500,000 to the Congress fund, while Mr. VanderSloot and his family made an additional $ 285,000 donation to Republican candidates and committees.

"What motivates me is trying to protect America as we know it," said VanderSloot. He said he did not always appreciate Mr. Trump's rhetoric and "his attacks on individuals". He also stated that he supported the president's deregulation and tax reduction measures, adding that he had awarded $ 2 million in bonuses to his employees after the tax cut.

"I think the general business climate has improved a lot," he said. "Our sales are up. When you have people with more money, they buy your product. "

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