Republicans rush to save house seats from the assault of democratic money


Bloomberg's group also finances ads in two other conservative suburbs that have long been considered relatively safe by Republicans: one owned by US representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, the other a seat in the suburbs of Jacksonville, California. Florida, this former representative, Ron DeSantis, has left office to run for governorship.

Republicans strive to follow. Over the past few days, Republican committees have spent millions of dollars on Florida's Herrera Beutler and Mast – both of which are in center-right and outlying suburbs – as well as two free Conservative seats. in Virginia and Florida. At the same time, they added additional funds to a district based in Virginia Beach and headquarters in southern Minnesota, in the suburbs of Des Moines and around Topeka in Kan.

"We are now seeing opportunities that, in our view, would not be there," said Ruben Gallego, representative of the Arizona Democratic Party, adding, "I am confident we will have the majority and then we will have the opportunity to do so. ;other".

Former Republican and Vice-President of the Party's campaign committee, Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia, said Republicans were facing a generalized "tightening" race, particularly in various suburbs and neighborhoods populated by "football moms". ". . "He said that Republicans had a chance to stand in the House if some of these moderate women returned to the fold.

The difference between a narrow-headed Democrat House, or even a House with a very small Republican majority, will probably involve some 20 districts that Mr. Trump has comfortably conquered, but not overwhelmingly, and that combine new developments as well as communities. Many of these seats were confiscated by lawmakers from the Republican states to protect the incumbents, but that was before the Trump era, when Republicans could rely more reliably on the vote of moderate women.

"They have an assumption about this voter and their loyalty to the Republican Party that is not true under Donald Trump," said Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago and former House Democratic campaigner, among voters that he called "anti-Hillary but never against Trump."

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